There was a time I'd have been queueing up for a midnight showing right about now. Probably wearing my cloak and my Slytherin tie, clutching my wand, ridiculously excited.
And now? Yeah. Not so much.
I'm going to see the movie, don't get me wrong, and I am a bit excited about it. The last Harry Potter movie. It seems to have come around so fast.
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Comments 14
Yeah, I haven't seen the recent movies at all. It is all about Snape.
I keep my silver slytherin tree decorated with green beads and dragon ornaments in a prominent place. I love my house.
Ezra would be Slytherin, definitely. Buck I'd say is Gryffindor, as is JD. I'd put Nathan in Hufflepuff and Josiah in Ravenclaw. Chris, hmm, he's a toss-up between Gryffindor and Slytherin, to my mind - and Vin... I think Vin is too.
My first ever OTP was Snape/Hermione (my first slash OTP was Remus/Severus), that's how much I love Snape. I can't explain it, I just do.
Of course, Vin is a lot more pleasant than Snape. A LOT.
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