Okay, Jack did not 'detect' the Doctor on anything - the TARDIS was in the Torchwood base. Did they forget that? Or does continuity not matter so much?
Gah this annoyed me because there really was NO need for it! The last ep of Torchwood must have been written with this series of DW in mind, so would it really have been too much to ask for SOMEONE to go over the last scene of Torchwood before writing the script for this episode? Ok I know it's only a minor niggle, but really, that was just lazy!
And yeah I don't get why the Doctor left Jack behind. So what if he knew Jack was unkillable? Wouldn't it have been a kinder thing to do to stick around and explain that to him rather than let him get himself all confused and angsty about it? The Doctor really is a crap friend at times.
Words can't describe the utter squee of John Simm's regeneration. I was actually squealing and clapping like a seal by this point.
Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that the Doctor is a shit friend and something of an emotional coward. He'd rather face a horde of Daleks than deal with his friends' problems. Which is shitty of him. I mean, there's poor Jack, confused, lost, abandoned, no idea what's going on or what's happened to him, no idea whether the Doctor or Rose is - and the Doctor just leaves him because he doesn't want to deal with it. That's shitty. And damn selfish. Me not liking the Doctor so much this episode.
And yeah, the end of TW/start of DW just bugged me. I mean, we heard the TARDIS inside Torchwood, where Jack was - the Doctor said he was only there for 30 seconds, no way could Jack have got from inside Torchwood up to the plaza, with his bag and shit, in that time, even if he had heard the TARDIS from all the way down there. Poor continuity.
before I realised he was the MASTER, and I was just on the timelord tangent I was like, hmm he's wearing similar clothes to Mr McGann, omg how AWESOME would that be? But cdlerly not as awesome as EVIL SAM TYLER!!! forgive typos the font is teeeny tiiiny
I'm worried that to indeed bring the doctor down from his I Am Made Of Awesome perch there has to be great angsting in the next episode. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Evil Sam Tyler! I love John Simm - he's so good at being adorkably cute and sinister and evil at the same time. JOHN SIMM IN DOCTOR WHO! *dies happy*
I used to not mind the Doctor being the root of all awesomeness, 'cause I too thought he was, but with this whole Jack business I've come to somewhat dislike him. He's a shit friend and cowardly and selfish - and Jack's better off without him and coming home to Ianto. *nods*
I get goosebumps, man, I will never LOVE on an evil character as much as I am, and will be next week aaand the next. THIS IS MY POST-LOM FIX! EEEEEEEEEEE
might watch LOM and then go MWAHA awesome.
Ah Doctor, last few eps not been showing you in a good light methinx
Oh, you must definitely watch Torchwood - I love it. It took a while to get going, I think, but I ended up loving it. More than I've liked this season of DW so far - although the last four episodes have been amazing. And now the prospect of having John Barrowman, David Tennant and John Simm all in the same scene OMG is blowing my mind!
Okay, I juuuuust finished watching it- and I'm SO CONFUSED. Who's the Master? I feel like I should know, but I haven't a sniff! And where do I know that guy from? Am I supposed to know him? Why did Martha recognize his voice? SO. CONFUSED.
But so happy. Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, the Martha acting like a wounded puppy when Rose is mentioned is really annoying me. I'm starting to finally like her a lot, but then she goes and does things like that and it's so irritating! Her annoying one-sided love for the Doctor is getting old, too. It seemed to develop out of the blue, and now it's making her pissy. Though that conversation with her and Jack about being the Doctor's pets was awesomely hilarious. Squee! Jack! Jaaaaack! I could eat him!
So is this going to be a three parter then? That would be interesting! Oooh! But then I get back to being all confused. Please to straighten me out! Love!
The Master is from Old Who - he's the Doctor's nemesis. Apparently they used to be friends, way back on Gallifrey, and now they're deadly enemies. And Martha recognises his voice because he's this Mr Saxon we've been hearing things about on Earth in our time.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. I get it. Hahaha... sigh. I really should have caught that. Hee, awesome! Now I'm waaaay excited for the rest! Figures I have to back to camp hours before it comes on. Whiiiiiiiiine! But I'll be home just in time to download the last episode and I can watch them all at once! Yay! I'll probably have to rewatch this one too, hehheh.
Comments 12
*is speachless at the feckingbloodyamazingness*
Gah this annoyed me because there really was NO need for it! The last ep of Torchwood must have been written with this series of DW in mind, so would it really have been too much to ask for SOMEONE to go over the last scene of Torchwood before writing the script for this episode? Ok I know it's only a minor niggle, but really, that was just lazy!
And yeah I don't get why the Doctor left Jack behind. So what if he knew Jack was unkillable? Wouldn't it have been a kinder thing to do to stick around and explain that to him rather than let him get himself all confused and angsty about it? The Doctor really is a crap friend at times.
Words can't describe the utter squee of John Simm's regeneration. I was actually squealing and clapping like a seal by this point.
Roll on next week's ep, that's all I can say :D
And yeah, the end of TW/start of DW just bugged me. I mean, we heard the TARDIS inside Torchwood, where Jack was - the Doctor said he was only there for 30 seconds, no way could Jack have got from inside Torchwood up to the plaza, with his bag and shit, in that time, even if he had heard the TARDIS from all the way down there. Poor continuity.
before I realised he was the MASTER, and I was just on the timelord tangent I was like, hmm he's wearing similar clothes to Mr McGann, omg how AWESOME would that be? But cdlerly not as awesome as EVIL SAM TYLER!!! forgive typos the font is teeeny tiiiny
I'm worried that to indeed bring the doctor down from his I Am Made Of Awesome perch there has to be great angsting in the next episode. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I used to not mind the Doctor being the root of all awesomeness, 'cause I too thought he was, but with this whole Jack business I've come to somewhat dislike him. He's a shit friend and cowardly and selfish - and Jack's better off without him and coming home to Ianto. *nods*
might watch LOM and then go MWAHA awesome.
Ah Doctor, last few eps not been showing you in a good light methinx
And John Simm TWOCing the TARDIS
I'm behind with Torchwood - didn't see it when it was on so I need to dl and watch them I think.
But this series of DW is just love and I am liking the Doctor's dark side.
But so happy. Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, the Martha acting like a wounded puppy when Rose is mentioned is really annoying me. I'm starting to finally like her a lot, but then she goes and does things like that and it's so irritating! Her annoying one-sided love for the Doctor is getting old, too. It seemed to develop out of the blue, and now it's making her pissy. Though that conversation with her and Jack about being the Doctor's pets was awesomely hilarious. Squee! Jack! Jaaaaack! I could eat him!
So is this going to be a three parter then? That would be interesting! Oooh! But then I get back to being all confused. Please to straighten me out! Love!
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