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Comments 7

brunettepet November 10 2016, 12:02:23 UTC
This book sounds fascinating. I was a cat person until I married somebody highly allergic to cat dander. Now I think I may have dodged a bullet by not being in their service any longer.


thenewbuzwuzz November 10 2016, 14:50:02 UTC
Wow, trippy. :)
Well, historically they did catch mice - pretty important if you store crops at home. But maybe that isn't exactly being a "service animal".


denorios November 10 2016, 15:59:28 UTC
Apparently that's been overrated too. Cats are indiscriminate hunters and whilst they will catch mice and rats, they'll go after whatever they feel like or whatever is the easiest prey, so a mouser might hunt mice in his own backyard or he might prefer to roam after birds further afield and ignore the mice. This book talked about one study of feral cats and rats where it was more or less live and let live, because the cats had access to easier forms of prey!


thenewbuzwuzz November 10 2016, 16:03:59 UTC
Interesting. I bow to your cat expertise. :D


angel_vixen November 10 2016, 15:39:03 UTC
I refer to the menagerie at home as the Feline Overlords, and perhaps that's just as well! :D


denorios November 10 2016, 16:00:10 UTC
I occasionally refer to Bandit in particular as Mein Puhrer!


1_rhiannon_1 November 10 2016, 18:45:51 UTC
Not at all shocked to think that my kitties might be using mind-control!


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