Are we in the playground now?

Jun 15, 2016 13:19

I will be so glad when this Brexit vote is resolved, one way or the other, next week. I'm sick of it. It's not a political debate anymore - if indeed it ever was - it's just degenerating into insults and lies, damn lies and statistics, nationalism and childish schoolboy behaviour.

Case in point - how is the spectacle of Nigel Farage and Bob GeldofRead more... )

news, politics: britain

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Comments 9

chelseagirl June 15 2016, 13:00:56 UTC

At least you're spared the possibility that Donald Trump might be your next national leader?  But wow, that does sound ridiculous.


denorios June 15 2016, 13:03:08 UTC
That is true - Trump is far more horrifying prospect!

But that just shows how far politics has sunk these days, isn't it, how low the bar is now set? 'Look on the bright side, could be worse, you could always have the prospect of Donald Trump as your next leader'!

What did any of us do to deserve this?


chelseagirl June 15 2016, 17:00:39 UTC
So true.

Time to dust off the old George W. Bush t-shirts for foreign travel, the ones that say in 7 languages, "I'm sorry my president is an idiot. I didn't vote for him." I wish I'd actually bought one back then. But Trump makes W look . . . okay, still an idiot. But not a toxic idiot.

We allowed public discourse to be lowered to a level where a figure like Trump, or a spectacle like the the one you described, is good tv, and therefore allowed to happen. I teach first year writing at a university, and a lot of my students don't know how to think critically about . . . anything.


shapinglight June 15 2016, 15:06:56 UTC
It's awful. I wish we could send them all to Mars.

Except I wouldn't wish them on the poor Martians.


denorios June 16 2016, 07:05:38 UTC
I don't know, I think the Martians would know what to do with the pack of them!


icecoldrain June 15 2016, 20:04:24 UTC
I saw this on tumblr and legit thought it was a joke post at first lol. You guys have people yelling at each other while spraying water out in boats while we're having Trump running with people legit being all for him. What is the world coming to?!


gillo June 15 2016, 21:47:17 UTC
Farage's flagship was involved in a major fraud, according to Greenpeace, and it's owned by one of the richest men in shipping.

I'm with you. I'm scared of the result but so, so very sick of the campaign, which is all about just how low can they sink.


denorios June 16 2016, 07:05:59 UTC
Would we really expect anything less from Nigel Farage? Ugh.


snogged June 15 2016, 21:53:47 UTC
I'm so frustrated with politicians right now.


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