I am alive, promise!

Nov 20, 2012 08:56

I keep meaning to post; I actually find myself thinking 'I must post about that on LJ' and then things interrupt me and I forget.

So just imagine that I posted about:

♥ Manchester United losing to Norwich

♥ Lewis Hamilton winning the US Grand Prix

♥ my woeful attempt at making pumpkin pie, which resulted in burnt pumpkin pie

etacanis being here and ( Read more... )

sport: formula 1, food and drink, celebrations: christmas, football: manchester united

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Comments 4

etacanis November 20 2012, 10:11:24 UTC
I don't think they love me any more :P I was a very terrible, horrible, no good person and wouldn't share my breakfast.


denorios November 20 2012, 11:24:00 UTC
Oh how could you? You cruel wicked person. And after they'd been starving all morning after having only been fed an entire sachet of cat food before I left this morning!

Was Ezri with you all night? Bandit decided to come and share the love and woke me up around 5am. So kind of him.


etacanis November 20 2012, 11:30:39 UTC
I know! Ezri is horrified that her pitiful meows didn't break through my ice cold heart and Bandit can't understand why cuddles didn't make me part with my food.

I think she came and went - I definitely woke up to her staring at me from the doorway a few times. A little creepy.


denorios November 20 2012, 11:50:03 UTC
Hahaha, I can imagine! I usually just keep the door propped open a crack, enough for them to get in and out. I think I'd find little gleaming cat eyes staring at me in the night a bit disconcerting. Probably figuring out the best way to eat you...


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