Welcome to the Mad House...

Apr 16, 2012 11:48

Dammit, you know it just occured to me that I can't say that anymore.


For those new friends (and seriously, that was the actual reason for this post and I will get to it in a minute) I've recently moved into a new house, but my previous home was a flat in a converted lunatic asylum. And, slow on the uptake that I am, it's just occured to ( Read more... )

livejournal: friends

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Comments 4

etacanis April 16 2012, 10:58:45 UTC
Hello! :P


onerva_t April 16 2012, 17:44:56 UTC
Hello random person on my flist. Nice to meet you :D


magic_knickers April 16 2012, 20:56:39 UTC
I guess you found me through the 100 Things meme, then! I was a little confused, yeah, but hey there!


jacknjill270 April 17 2012, 03:06:51 UTC
Hello! Also, wow, that's pretty cool, living in an old asylum.


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