Oh, my ovaries...

Mar 09, 2012 21:12

Person of Interest does Three Two Men and a Baby. The episode I never knew I wanted. Reese and Finch taking care of a baby.


I loved the baby safe in her little pen made from books gumming on one of Finch's ties. SO CUTE. And John kind of warily circling her, like she's some kind of exotic specimen he doesn't know what to make of.

So many great scenes! Finch showing John how to change a nappy! John wandering around with the baby strapped to his chest! Reese calling her 'our baby'!

I can't believe I've never talked about this show before. Ugh, I have such a hard-on for badass Reese. So damn hot. That little smirk in the bar full of the Eastern Europeans as they advanced on him - oh my GOD. *fans self*

And that whole scene in the truck - John's absolute sheer desperation and the way he holds her. Dude. I am so not the maternal type, but strong men brought low by ittle bitty babies just does something to me.

Reese and a baby. REESE AND A BABY.

tv: person of interest

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