Journal Complex

Jan 13, 2013 23:06

What do you do with your old journals? I put them in a box under some other boxes in the closet and try to forget about them. I find them very embarrassing because I seldom put serious thought into the entries; they're usually written off the cuff and only at times when I need to bitch and don't want to talk to anyone. I'm not one of the ~ ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

blu_olivz January 15 2013, 09:56:10 UTC
:\ i also think about the journal complex every so often.
sometimes when i use my tags to look for something i can't quite remember but know i posted about in the past, i end up seeing an alarming number of posts that eventually make me feel so uncomfortable and cringe-y that i just have to stop and do something else. i've come close to deleting my lj three times, but each time i was too chicken to go through with it. i get held back by this feeling of anticipatory regret... [over...what? i guess it might be over the idea of throwing away something similar to a Pensieve, to borrow from potterverse. i've collected years of my life into this virtual vessel that mostly consists of mundane memories that i no longer recall, like an external hard drive. if i destroyed it for good, would i lose an irretrievable part of myself that i might want to revisit later but can't?]
blah buddhist non-attachment was made for shit like this.


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