GoT Quiz

Apr 22, 2012 01:47

Your result for Game of Thrones House Quiz...
House Stark

81% Stark, 28% Lannister, 44% Baratheon, 80% Tully, 23% Tyrell, 59% Martell, 38% Targaryen, 59% Greyjoy and 77% Arryn!

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Comments 2

aceofspades13 October 2 2012, 14:14:48 UTC
I don't know what this means because I do not watch game of thrones. :(


denkichan October 9 2012, 07:42:26 UTC
A few months ago I would've been all OMG READ IT W/ ME (I don't watch it either) but I've been flailing away at book five since July and ugh. Part of it is pettiness because he introduced this thing called the Golden Company, which is a take on the White Company, and he has introduced a plague element, so I'm being all ffft ffft, get away from the Anglo mercenary companies and the Black Death!!! You're just being greedy! I'd like to say getting put off is because it's just too fucking cumbersome to finish this in 1-2 books with these huge elements, but really it's because I know he uses Barbara Tuchman so it's totally just bad-fan behavior ha ha ha. I mean god, leave some for the rest of us >_>


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