For a while now I've been thinking that it would be nice to have access to a sewing machine. I figure if I did, then it would be easier to motivate myself to work on some of the project ideas that bounce around my head. Unfortunately, I have had neither the space nor the money for one, so it hasn't been possible.
So yesterday I went to Savers to
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Comments 6
I can help you figure out either, but I'm better with the little metal bobbin cases.
Also, you might try talking to people at a local sewing machine repair place of JoAnn if you have one. Once in a while they have a person who can help you figure things out and sometimes the visual really helps.
Congrats and Good luck!
After a bit of google searching I found it resembles this:
There's a downloadable manual, but the instructions aren't entirely clear to me, so I may still need help after I actually try what it says.
I've found that NDK being right before Halloween has always been a huge asset for costuming. Unfortunately, it seems like every year it's a little earlier. I'm waiting for the year it's in like...August or something.
NDK is so soon. @_x I think lightningrapier and I are going, but not if we don't get these damn costumes finished. AND THIS YEAR I PUT AWAY MONEY FOR A BADGE AND HOTEL ROOM so we're going in style, not like last year, which sucked. >.<
mazokuspaz is gonna be a casual/human world Ulquiorra, and someone from Kingdom Hearts I believe.
miladynamizoro is going as Misa from Death Note and she might or might not be School Uniform!Matsumoto from Bleach, but not sure. We'd both still like to do Hyoutei cosplay, but at this point there's no way that'll happen unless we can beg/borrow/steal/buy uniforms or something...
I would love to, but it's not happening this year. ;0;
Our big costumes this year are Pliskin and Otacon from Metal Gear Solid. We're still finishing them up right now, actually, and that'll be the determining factor on whether or not we go, but chances are good that we'll be there.
Did you figure out how to work the sewing machine? I asked my mom what the problem might be and she said it might be your tension on the machine. She also said that if you don't use the right needle (like if you're trying to use a denim needle on thinner cloth) sometimes it can cause that problem.
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