The Housemaid ruined me...

Apr 14, 2012 12:20

Dude, slinkymilinky, I finally saw that movie we had talked about before. It was really some twisted, eff-ed up shit.
It came on Sundance the other night and I stayed up and watched it.... Have you seen it yet? O_o

Has anyone else seen this movie?

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asian cinema

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Comments 18

serenitytouched April 14 2012, 18:43:44 UTC
Nope, but I'm a little scared at your description. lol <.


denilmo April 14 2012, 19:32:04 UTC
I mean, don't get me wrong I like my Asian thrillers and horrors, and revenge movies etc. etc... but.... and yes, the movie was dark, sexy, and intense... but just... holy shit... That's just some twisted stuff to do to a person.

I see "money is the root of all evil" as a big theme in the movie ...


serenitytouched April 14 2012, 19:35:54 UTC
-hides under a rock-

I'm not a thriller/horror person. -even scared of looking at the trailer-


denilmo April 15 2012, 16:43:03 UTC
The trailer's not scary. It's not like The Grudge/Ju-On type of horror movie... it's more thriller than horror...

But if you don't like that sort of thing then this movie is probably not for you.
Even this one kind of pushed me....


bluerising April 14 2012, 22:42:43 UTC

And yes. That ending is very twisted. *shivers*

I'm not much into horror movies, but I'm going to see "The Woman in Black" tonight with some friends. I heard it's absolutely terrifying. Even if it has Daniel Radcliffe in it. Still absolutely nightmare inducing. So we shall see.


cutecrazyice April 15 2012, 04:39:21 UTC
Woman in Black is the quiet sort of creepy. Ugh. That movie. *shudders*


bluerising April 15 2012, 17:02:25 UTC
Oh my gosh. That movie kept me up all night. Plus it was storming pretty hard too, which didn't help at all. It's not that I believe in ghosts or anything, but images of the movie stayed in my brain, and the apartment kept creaking and making noises at odd times from the wind, and the fear of nightmares kept me awake. So I listened to extremely upbeat songs on my ipod until I drifted to sleep. Thank you Lady Gaga, Coldplay, and Fallout Boy.

Ugh. Agreed though. The movie was definitely up there in the creepy threshold.


denilmo April 16 2012, 21:05:20 UTC
Ah! I wanna see it!! *is impatient for DVD*

Hehe you listen to upbeat songs after scary movies, too?!
I do that - and sometimes I watch a funny animated movie after a scary one, just to get those lingering heebee jeebies off.


cutecrazyice April 15 2012, 04:39:52 UTC
I've seen it! Very twisted ending indeed.


denilmo April 15 2012, 16:45:25 UTC
Still gives me the creeps T_T


pockyphoto April 15 2012, 23:43:26 UTC
I'VE SEEN THIS MOVIE. first off, i thought she was just a creepy housemaid in general. but then the ending... really threw me off. i get the flames and all, (trying not to give spoilers) but the absolute very last scene confused me. i really don't understand what the family was doing or what the message was after the death.


denilmo April 16 2012, 21:08:35 UTC
For me, what I gained from the movie was the whole "Money is the root of all evil" - these people let money change them, rule them, and they used it to pay off anyone and anything unpleasant in their lives - including the ending.

What I got, was that even that horrific experience didn't change anything. Their lives of greed kept going. But the little girl, getting up, and sort of like "leaving" the party or seeming to not enjoy it at least - is like a piece of hope within the family, to me at least. That maybe she'll be different or something.


pockyphoto April 17 2012, 01:30:50 UTC
oh~~~ good interpretation! i didn't even realize that they might have disregarded the experience due to their wealth. and of course, the young girl wouldn't be affected, since matters of wealth and money probably aren't of any concern to her at that age.


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