Catching up: Part 1

Sep 06, 2010 17:36

Whee, holiday! *runs around high-fiving everyone ( Read more... )

picspam, sherlock, real life, cool world

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Comments 11

shing_ September 6 2010, 22:12:14 UTC
Ooooo giant inflatable mushrooms! How did I miss those?

I love the pic of Alex stretching in the open space :) That's where your dining table used to be, right? The place is looking fabulous! And you know what? I don't think I've ever seen inside your solarium lol

A year off sounds heavenly. Since you're so close to UofT, hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to find a roomie, especially if you're more flexible with the lease term (ie not insisting on a 12-mth lease which, as students, we hated).


dendritejungle September 6 2010, 22:27:57 UTC
I almost missed them myself - and really, given my location how pathetic would THAT have been?!?

Good memory! Yes, that is where the old table was - and the new one now is. Like you, though, I thought he just looked so "AAAAAAHHHHHH, SPACE!!!" I had to grab my camera. As I do. *g*

Yeah, no-one's ever really seen much of the solarium because I hardly ever use it. Hence my thought of making some MOOLAH with it. And I am indeed hoping that my proximity to U of T is appealing! I think I'll have a big leg-up on the other suites in my building looking to rent because they're renting the whole suite which is a lot more expensive, instead of just a room. Thanks for the heads-up on the 12 month thing - obviously I'd rather have someone in there for more time ;D but the nice thing about a roommate situation in a place I own is that I can be flexible. \o/



neeuqdrazil September 6 2010, 23:45:12 UTC
Just to let you know - your socks are darned!


dendritejungle September 7 2010, 02:10:58 UTC


neeuqdrazil September 7 2010, 02:15:05 UTC
I'll bring them to our date this week, which isn't scheduled yet...


lostandalone22 September 7 2010, 00:35:08 UTC
Awesome pictures. Your kitty is adorable.


dendritejungle September 7 2010, 02:09:17 UTC

ETA: Stupid LJ just added this comment to the wrong thread. Sorry! What I was going to say to YOU was thank you! :D


audreyovisual September 7 2010, 04:26:57 UTC

Year off?


Well, you did go to Australia on a whim and jumped out of a goddamn airplane just for kicks... I wouldn't put it past you, Den.

But if you quit, I'll miss you. No, really.


dendritejungle September 7 2010, 07:35:56 UTC
Well, I don't WANT to quit - I'm hoping I won't have to! *clings*

But we'll see; it is a hell of an imposition on the company, so I think ultimately it will be up to them.


(The comment has been removed)

dendritejungle September 8 2010, 06:47:53 UTC
Actually, yes!

My biggest roadblock is scheduling: I love the idea, but the major problem is turning out to be finding the time. :P


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