Life update and INTERNET FOREVER!

Jun 22, 2010 08:14

Hi all! Now that my life has calmed down a tad (for certain values of "tad") I wanted to finally post!

Firstly, an OMG YOU MUST READ link that has been cracking my shit up for daaays now. It is so me, and so true, it's SCARY, but also pants-wettingly funny: This is why I'll never be an adultSeriously, if you want to understand, like, half my life ( Read more... )

real life, omg links

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Comments 6

caffienekitty June 22 2010, 21:06:00 UTC
I resemble that adult thing rather scarily. o.O


nixwilliams June 22 2010, 21:55:29 UTC
haha, the 'never be an adult' post is hilarious. i talk about managing this boom and bust cycle with my counsellor sometimes... but lol-ing about it is equally productive, surely? now, if only i could get off the couch and have a shower, then i could start my day.


aelfsiden June 23 2010, 02:55:52 UTC
OMG. LMAO - you always share the best toys. That Hyperbole and a Half site is hysterical. I LOVE Sneaky Hate Spiral! That is so true! I've so been living that here lately. :) Thanks for sharing that. :)


lostandalone22 June 23 2010, 19:03:32 UTC

I'm glad you had a nice weekend with eboniorchid.


trias_cube June 24 2010, 17:29:03 UTC
Good to hear that you're doing well and enjoying life! :-)

Loved "This is why..."! I have to post about it on my LJ too!
"The longer I procrastinate on returning phone calls and emails, the more guilty I feel about it. The guilt I feel causes me to avoid the issue further, which only leads to more guilt and more procrastination. It gets to the point where I don't email someone for fear of reminding them that they emailed me and thus giving them a reason to be disappointed in me."
That's me, EXACTLY me!! I get so much fear from this! LOL


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