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Comments 8

caffienekitty January 5 2010, 07:39:51 UTC
Cool! Just finished small worlds. Gave me a very Doctor Who feel, not sure why. Will have to try the rest at some point.


dendritejungle January 6 2010, 10:37:02 UTC
Ooo, Doctor Who, interesting! Maybe it's the world-exploration factor? Or the little transporter lights look like the flashing light on the top of the TARDIS...


caffienekitty January 6 2010, 17:00:06 UTC
A bit, yeah. *nods*


nixwilliams January 5 2010, 08:03:24 UTC
the first time i played 'every day' i went straight through to


jumping off the building. it wasn't until later that i patted the cow while naked.


dendritejungle January 6 2010, 10:37:59 UTC
Gotta love a game where you can pat cows and catch falling leaves while just in your undies! :D


nebulein January 5 2010, 09:45:38 UTC
of these I've only played Little Wheels so far, but that one was adorable! I'm currently playing Machinarium. It has a lot of puzzles you have to solve and the graphics are really stunning.

Will have to check out the other ones you recced!


dendritejungle January 6 2010, 11:15:44 UTC
\o/ Glad you enjoyed! And oooOOOOoooo! Shiny game! Thanks for the rec in turn!


(The comment has been removed)

dendritejungle January 6 2010, 11:16:06 UTC
I hope you enjoy! :)


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