Mmmm. Chocolate granola.

Mar 22, 2009 10:50

I am ADDICTED to this. It's like Cocoa Rice Krispies for adults! You don't have to eat three bowlfuls to feel full, and you're not hungry again in twenty minutes. HOMG SO GOOD ( Read more... )

real life, omg links

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Comments 31

unhobbityhobbit March 22 2009, 14:57:20 UTC
I'm sure I had something to say about that cereal, but that romance novel just blew it out of the water wiped it clean from my mind.


dendritejungle March 22 2009, 15:07:21 UTC
It's quite...something, isn't it? I lack the words to adequately describe that novel. Partly because my brain can't stop going over terms like "disappointed queef" and "ladysoftness." LADYSOFTNESS. *shudder*


unhobbityhobbit March 22 2009, 15:10:44 UTC
The thought of a disappointed vagina and the noises it would make stopped me dead for a good minute or two, certainly.


shoebox2 March 22 2009, 15:18:17 UTC
OK, so I checked out the 'novel' and...the next time you get an urge to be friendly like that I may have to break out the saucepan myself. :) Seriously, I felt my self-respect plunging just reading the opening lines.


dendritejungle March 22 2009, 15:28:32 UTC

Hey, you know. Misery loves company and all that. *toothy grin*


shoebox2 March 22 2009, 15:43:33 UTC
Heh, thanks. OK, so you do get points for giving me the chance I'd been dying for to use that icon...:)


mycrazyhair March 22 2009, 15:26:24 UTC
Wow, you're alive! Cool!

And dear gods that novel sounds horrible.


dendritejungle March 22 2009, 15:31:02 UTC
Well, for now at any rate - if nobody kills me over that last link. *g*

It does, doesn't it? It sounds epic enough in its linguistic carnage that I almost want to read it. ALMOST. BUT NOT QUITE. *shudders*


mycrazyhair March 22 2009, 15:37:09 UTC
I think it's not quite bad enough to be funny. Like last night we watched Underworld II. Very very bad. But maybe not quite bad enough. Either that or there just weren't enough pretty people in leather.


dendritejungle March 22 2009, 15:42:05 UTC
Yeah. That's ultimately why I decided against reading it. (Underworld II or III? I did see II in the theatre *coughfortheprettypeopleinleathercough* a couple of years ago but couldn't bring myself to watch III...)


openmydoors March 22 2009, 16:37:20 UTC
Just reading the review makes me want to punch something. XD


dendritejungle March 23 2009, 11:21:24 UTC
I know, right? There's wrong, and then there WROOOOONG. *shudders*


openmydoors March 23 2009, 12:12:50 UTC
*nods* pretty much.. *shudders*


neeuqdrazil March 22 2009, 17:09:15 UTC
Heee! I read that review, and it made me laugh lots.

That is an awesomely kickass old lady!

And do I want to know how many boxes of cereal you've gone through?


dendritejungle March 23 2009, 11:22:10 UTC

Actually, I'm still on my first. BUT GIVE ME 24 MORE HOURS. :D


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