Because she's having my love child.

Jul 25, 2008 18:10

So Sprightlysplink, the lovely wife of Twistedhip and a good friend and upstairs neighbour, has incredibly kindly offered to let me attend the birth of her second child. I am beyond honoured, and have been carefully scheduling everything around the end of August with the caveat of "...but I may have to cancel if [my friend] goes into labour".

But rather than explaining to people that she's a dear friend who has kindly offered to have me attend the birth, etc. (because "what does her labour have to do with you" is a perfectly fair follow-up question), it occurs to me it would be extremely amusing to just deadpan, "Because she's having my love child." And enjoy the subsequent facial expressions.*

*This is funnier, of course, if you realize that we are both biologically female. So it's not really, y'know, possible.**

**YET. ;P
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