Short film links for your viewing pleasure...and HAPPY PRIDE!

Jun 19, 2007 07:22

Ah yes, the joys of falling asleep early. Waking up early ( Read more... )

real life, omg links

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Comments 10

missyjack June 19 2007, 12:45:12 UTC
Go the Gay Geeks!!!!

Have gorgeous weekend!


dendritejungle June 20 2007, 00:28:26 UTC
Thank you, madame! I certainly plan on it! :D (Also? Love the icon. :))

And there will be pictures. Oh yes, there will be pictures...


anidada June 19 2007, 17:43:00 UTC
I'll be working the booth from 2-3pm on Sunday for my Place of Employ, so no parade for me. :) Hope to meet up with you, at some point... Alex and the boo will also be in attendance (possibly at the family zone). So... yeah. Do you have our cell numbers?

*big squishy hug*


dendritejungle June 20 2007, 00:33:03 UTC
No parade? Oh pooh! :P I'd pop by your table, but of course I'll be IN the damn parade... I'd love to see you all too, though. I don't have your cell numbers - could you email them to me?

*hugs ya back and sneaks in a grope ;)*


jaefru June 20 2007, 01:46:43 UTC
Allo! Hmm... slogans? I will ponder it. Do you need help making these and such? (And two brunches? Ye gads!)

Also? HAPPY PRIDE WEEK! Wheeeeeeeeee!


dendritejungle June 21 2007, 07:35:46 UTC
Hey sweetie! Happy Pride to yooou! *twirls you*

And thank you so much for the kind sign assistance offer! Honestly, I would love help, but at this point I don't know when I'd be finding the time to make any more anyways; not quite sure what I was thinking. *le sigh*


I enjoy that you have a tag called "omg links" theclevermonkey June 20 2007, 02:46:13 UTC
So many movies...... I better not let my GF see this post, otherwise, I'ma be watching movies until the cows come home.

I wish London had a Pride parade. I've always enjoyed the parades. Also, London blows. ><;


Re: I enjoy that you have a tag called "omg links" dendritejungle June 21 2007, 07:50:19 UTC
Why thank you, kind sir! :D It's actually an idea I stole borrowed from a friend who normally writes slash but has a tag for her occasional foray into het called "omg het." This cracked me up.

And watching movies 'til the cows come home is, exactly? (Says the woman who just devoted a WEEK to them.) ;P

Ah, London. *pats you on the back sympathetically* My ex, bless her, was from London. She'd agree wholeheartedly on the "London blows" assessment.


audreyovisual June 20 2007, 03:50:00 UTC
This is the time of year I usually manage to take a walk down Church Street on Saturday night, watching the crowd having a great time and thinking "GOD, I love queers!"

Then I'll be getting out there Saturday and Sunday with the "Big Fat Gay Band"
as out token str8 woman puts it, and we will be playing our tartan-covered butts off. Count on it!

It's gonna be a crazy week but I love it.

Big hugs to all y'all!


dendritejungle June 21 2007, 07:54:27 UTC
Oh sweet jeezus, you'll be wearing The Uniform. I'd forgotten.


*starts working on building reserve of self-control NOW*


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