Title: The Deal
Pairing: Main!Kyusung Side!Yehmin
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters and the story is inspired by a manga.
ohmygengSummary: Will there be happiness in a marriage without love?
I'll buy you then... )
Comments 65
A new fic!
I've been looking forward to this one :D!
I'm really looking forward to reading it all.
Awww!! Really?? Im sorry then for the long wait >.<
Thanks for reading and commenting!! ^.^
Sorry for the late Comment! XP
This is really good! Heechul is an ass though, leaving Sungie to care for all the kids and pretty much forcing him to sell his body. Thank goodness Kyuhyun stepped in...but the fact that he was in a place like that is Auck. I hope He takes in Yesung's brothers as well. I totally for see drama coming if Sungmin is Kyu's best friend and Sungie is his first love.
This is so different from LTLB and that makes it all the more interesting. Your an awesomely amazing writer and I cant wait to read this story because I know it'll be just as awesome and amazing!
Cant wait till the next chapter! ^_^
Im glad you like it <3 Heechul is.......Heechul xDDD Don't hate him too much,,its not his fault for being stupid :D He didn't also want to be there..he didn't have any choice though >.<
Yeah...that also makes it harder to write since its slightly mature topic than LTLB. Awww!! Thanks for the compliment ♥
Sorry,,I won't forget next time >.
but why are you making me hate Sungmin again?? *and there will be no MinWook since Wookie is still a baby....*
why so bad Heechul?? but even though he does really bad things he still shows care and love for his brothers.... TT~TT I'm so much confused right now why Heechul is doing that...
Fighting to Yesung!! you can do it bb! with your lovely brothers Bum, Hyuk, Hae*please get well soon*, Wook and Hen!
shocks... Kyuhyun's persona in this fic is just ASDFGHJKADYFDBWBDXHD
I wonder what will happen next....
Fighting ate den!
sorry po di mahaba at di ko na-elaborate ang aking tunay na feelings para sa fic na ito...
I'll try to finish the next chapter soon~
Thanks for reading and commenting :D
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