Title: Boys Boys Boys Clips: Hocus Pocus Song: Lady GaGa Summary: Sarah Sanderson only cares about one thing - but she knows how to have a good time getting it
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Oh, you must watch Hocus Pocus. You must. It's...cheesy and silly as all get-out, but very self-aware, I think, and the hijinks the characters get into are totally worth it. And, yeah, Bette Midler! As a wonderfully over the top evil witch! What is not to love about this??
(It's totes my Halloween favorite. Have you picked on this subtle truth yet? ;P)
I loved how you edited the scenes to match the music. I enjoyed watching it.
I always try really hard to edit my cuts on (something like) a beat when I vid, so it looks more streamlined. And I had a lot of fun trying to come up with moments to go with those wacky Lady GaGa lyrics XD
I love the way you've put this together. That song suits the Sanderson sisters so well and I really like the way you match the clips to the lyrics. Sarah was always my favourite! :D
Yay, thank you! It may just be a crack vid, but I still tried pretty darn hard to line those clips up right, so I'm glad to hear that it makes for a good show :)
Also, now I want to watch Hocus Pocus!
Best Halloween movie ever, Y/Y? I know *I* watch it every year.
Comments 9
I loved how you edited the scenes to match the music. I enjoyed watching it. Hee.
(It's totes my Halloween favorite. Have you picked on this subtle truth yet? ;P)
I loved how you edited the scenes to match the music. I enjoyed watching it.
I always try really hard to edit my cuts on (something like) a beat when I vid, so it looks more streamlined. And I had a lot of fun trying to come up with moments to go with those wacky Lady GaGa lyrics XD
Thanks for commenting!
Also, now I want to watch Hocus Pocus!
Also, now I want to watch Hocus Pocus!
Best Halloween movie ever, Y/Y? I know *I* watch it every year.
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