
Dec 18, 2011 20:12

[Player name] Ashka
[Age] 21
[Personal Journal] ashka-chan
[Other characters currently played] none

[Character name] Ruca Milda
[Age] 15
[Canon] Tales of Innocence
[Point in time taken from canon] Right before the Tower of Dawn

History is here!


Ruca is a shy, meek, kind-hearted and good-manner boy from a rich family. Being an only child, his parents (especially his father) expect him to one day inherit the family company, while in fact Ruca’s true wish is to become a doctor in the future. Regardless of which he actually chooses in the end, Ruca has to study a lot. And he loves to study, to the point that he thinks school and tests are fun. Oh, did I mention his hobby is reading books? Also, as expected from the top student he is, he has no difficulties with solving even the hardest problems or talking about complicated things, or explaining everything in his own worlds. He can also remember a lot and even keeps track of all the battles the group fought. However, when it comes to sports he is definitely lacking.

Another thing is, that due to his timid nature he was always bullied and teased by his classmates, leading him to believe that they actually hate him and he is nothing but troublesome to other people. This caused him to became introvert as he stared to isolate himself from others (in fact he was completely unaware he’s doing that).

It was Iria who made him realize that he was the one always pushing everyone who cared about him away. She brought him out of his isolation and became his first friend.

Also, at the beginning of the game Ruca believes that everything he does has an impact on others and often apologize whenever someone around him is angry (thinking that he is the one responsible for it). Since he didn’t make any friends before his journey, he has somewhat vague idea about ‘friendship’ (at one point he even says that the word ‘friend’ sounds awkward to him), but as the time progresses he starts to understand the meaning of it. He is also very quick to take the blame on himself and has a tendency to stay in the back, as well as being somewhat selfless. He is always trying to consider feelings of others.

Ruca is very awkward around people, especially strangers. He’s usually polite with everyone and, having a rather passive nature, he rarely argues over anything. He also might be a bit too quiet, because he thinks more that he speaks. Or it would be better to say that he sometimes thinks too much about something to the point that in the end, he can’t bring himself to simply say it (like when he tried to think of a nickname for Iria only to eventually came to conclusion that “it’s rude to suddenly give a nickname to someone”). As the time progresses though, influenced by his friends, he starts to be a bit more open.

Ruca doesn’t think too highly of himself, believing that he is rather troublesome and weak. He admired Asura and for a really long time he wished he could be as strong and powerful as him, until he understood that he should focus on the life he has right now instead of always trying to chase after his past life’s shadow. On the side note: the fact that he uses a broadsword is also because he wanted to be more like Asura.

Ruca is a also very accepting and forgiving person. No matter how badly he would be treated by anyone, he would never hate them. He is also willing to forgive a lot and believes that people have their own reason for acting the way they are. His kindness and the fact that he was raised in a wealth, makes him also a bit naïve and dense, especially when it comes to dealing with people (the best example of it is when Hasta - the psycho murderer - asks him to step closer, because there’s something he wants to tell him).

Another thing is that even thought Ruca doesn’t want to worry anyone, it is pretty easy to tell if there’s something bothering him. He often sighs when worried or drops his shoulders when he feels defeated. He’s easy to make cry and prone to get homesick. He’s also a bad liar. Oh, and never allow him to tell jokes. They’re all pretty bad.

Despite all the weaknesses, if Ruca puts his mind into something he will do it. He just needs a bit cheering up sometimes. His friends are the power that makes him keep moving forward.

It would be also important to add that Ruca doesn’t like to fight and resolves to using force when there’s absolutely no other way. He would much more prefer to talk and convince the other side that fighting is unnecessary. He is well aware of the fact that in the world such as Naraka this may not always work, but his kindness and the idea that everyone deserve to be given another chance makes him try to talk to them anyway.


[Other important stuff]

+Devic Artes

Ruca’s timid nature greatly contrasts with his enormous power. Even though he looks like a weakling, he actually has enough strength to successfully wield a broadsword and even perform various aerliel combos (which are the majority of his attacks). Another thing is, that he can also use fire-based magic, starting from a simple and weak spells like Fireball up to unleashing a violent Meteor Storm upon his enemies.

All of this thanks to the Devic Artes, or actually, the power of his previous life - Asura. With them, Ruca is much stronger than he originally should be (it should be noted that when his powers are sealed, he is back to his weak self and unable to even lift his sword).

He’s also able to make himself and/or his allies even stronger, as well as to slightly heal himself.

+Good Memory

Ruca has a incredibly good memory, that allows him to remember all the battles the team fought, information he read in the books as well as things other people told him. It’s not a strange thing, when he quotes someone. He even sometimes uses the things the others told him to his own advantage.

+To become a doctor

Rucas greatest wish it to become a doctor in the future, and due to this he has some medical knowledge.

[Sample post]
[First Person]

1. What do you think of your home world?

...It’s not perfect and because of the war and the Fall living there might be quite hard sometimes, but it’s still my world. I know something can be done to change it for better.

2. If you were to describe yourself in one sentence, what would that be?

...Describe myself...? Um... I... I‘m weak, cowardly, gloomy and Iria will definitely never like someone like me... I’m such a nuisance to everyone. But maybe if I were more like Asura... Oh, I’m sorry! It was more than one sentence, wasn’t it...?

3. If someone provoked or attacked you, what would you do?

I don’t want to fight anyone... But why would they attack me? Have I done something wrong? [he is pretty sure it would be all his fault.]

4.You are a given a mission. Would you complete it effectively or would you goof off and do something else? Expand a little on the response.

Complete it. Goofing off when someone trusted you with a mission would be irresponsible.

5. You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?

...Why would I even bother to chase the bad guy, when my friend is in danger? I would do my best to save them!

6. If you could destroy a city, how would you do it?

B-but I don’t want to destroy anything! E-even if I could [and he has enough power to do so] I wouldn’t do such a terrible thing!

7. Do you believe in the magic of friendship?

F-friendship...? [he blushes, then scratches the back of his head, looking awkward.] Y-yeah... I do. [Saying this seems kind of embarrassing for him though.]

[Third Person]

It was a quiet afternoon. Ruca was reading a thick-looking book... or actually he seemed more like pretending to read. He stared blankly at the pages with his bluish green eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips after a longer while. The feeling of being all alone in this unknown world made him feel homesick again. No matter if the people he met here showed him kindness or if this world seemed like a better place than his own, his thoughts would still go back to his home, to Naraka. He wondered if his friends were alright and what his parents were doing. It seemed like ages from the last time he had seen them. He missed them all terribly.

He sighed again and frowned with worry.

Mathias. He could never forget what she was trying to do, reminding himself that he should be back home, heading to the Tower of Dawn to stop the leader of Arca from destroying everything. But there was nothing he could do for now.

Helpless... that’s how he felt now. He would do anything to just go home and make sure that Mathias will be stopped from using the power of the Manifest. That was the only thing he wished for... for his world to be safe. For everyone to be safe. He couldn’t stand the thought that something bad could happen to his friends.

But being stuck here he couldn’t do anything, no matter how much he wanted.

He closed the book he was trying to read and looked at its cover as if he expected to find a solution for his problems there. But obviously, the cover didn’t tell him anything. It was plain and contained nothing more but the title of the book.

The silver haired boy put it back on the shelf and before he knew, he was staring into a distance with a blank look, wondering what he can do.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] I love playing Ruca and I’m pretty sure putting him I a dream world of Somaruim will be a lot of fun. In world of Tales of Innocence dreams play a very important role, since they’re memories of the past live of Ruca and his friends. Some of those dreams are things Ruca would rather nobody ever knew about...
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] No character AU’s. And so that there wasn’t any misunderstanding here it’s not like I don’t like AU’s or anything like that, I just think that if there’s a lot of AU’s of the same character in one game things get really confusing, as well as a little boring. Because is it really so much fun if you have multiply copies of the same characters around?
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] a friend of mine plays here :3
[Any questions?] nope

somarium, application

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