Application / Rifed Guilds

Nov 05, 2011 15:11

=== Player Information ===
Name/Nick: Ashka
Journal: ashka_chan
Method of Contact: e-mail:
Current Characters: none

=== Character Information ===
Name: Ruca Milda
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Fandom: Tales of Innocence
Time period: Right before heading to the Tower of Dawn

Pokemon: Torchic
Distinguishing Characteristics: bluish green eyes and Ruca’s yellow cravat/scarf around his neck.
Explanation: The magic Ruca can use, as well as most of his skills is of fire element, which made me choose a fire Pokémon. Another thing is, that Ruca’s kind and meek nature contrasts greatly with his incredible power, which is why I preferred to turn him into a small Pokémon. And why Torchic all of them all? Mainly, because Torchics are curious and can be meek. Also, Ruca is pretty slow and Torchic is one of the slowest Fire-starters.



Ruca is an introvert, timid, kind-hearted and good-manner boy from a rich family. Being an only child, his parents (especially his father) expect him to one day inherit the family company, while in fact Ruca’s true wish is to become a doctor in the future. Regardless of which he actually chooses in the end, Ruca has to study a lot. And he loves to study, to the point that he thinks school and tests are fun. Oh, did I mention his hobby is reading books? Also, as expected from the top student he is, he has no problem grasping the current situation, no matter how difficult it might seem. Talking about complicated things, explaining everything in his own worlds, or translating what the other team members mean is no problem for him either. He can also remember a lot and even keeps track of all the battles the group fought. However, when it comes to sports he is definitely lacking.

Another thing is, that due to his timid nature he was always bullied and teased by his classmates, leading him to believe that they actually hate him and he is nothing but troublesome to other people. This caused him to became withdrawn as he stared to isolate himself from others (while, in fact he was completely unaware he’s doing that).

It was Iria who made him realize that he was the one always pushing everyone who cared about him away. She brought him out of his isolation and became his first friend.

Also, at the beginning of the game Ruca believes that everything he does has an impact on others and often apologize whenever someone around him is angry (thinking that he is the one responsible for it). Since he didn’t make any friends before his journey, he has somewhat vague idea about ‘friendship’ (at one point he even says that the word ‘friend’ sounds awkward to him), but as the time progresses he starts to understand the meaning of it. He is also very quick to take the blame on himself and has a tendency to stay in the back, as well as being somewhat selfless. He is always trying to consider feelings of others.

Ruca is very awkward around people, especially strangers. He’s usually polite with everyone and, having a rather passive nature, he rarely argues over anything. He also might be a bit too quiet, because he thinks more that he speaks. Or it would be better to say that he sometimes thinks too much about something to the point that in the end, he can’t bring himself to simply say it (like when he tried to think of a nickname for Iria only to eventually came to conclusion that “it’s rude to suddenly give a nickname to someone”). As the time progresses though, influenced by his friends, he starts to be a bit more open.

Ruca doesn’t think too highly of himself, believing that he is rather troublesome and weak. He admired Asura and for a really long time he wished he could be as strong and powerful as him, until he understood that he should focus on the life he has right now instead of always trying to chase after his past life’s shadow.

He’s also a very accepting and forgiving person. No matter how badly he would be treated by anyone, he would never hate them. He’s also willing to forgive a lot and believes that people have their own reason for acting the way they are. His kindness and the fact that he was raised in a wealth, makes him also a bit naïve and dense, especially when it comes to dealing with people (the best example of it is when Hasta - the psycho murderer - asks him to step closer, because there’s something he wants to tell him).

Another thing is that even thought Ruca doesn’t want to worry anyone, it is pretty easy to tell if there’s something bothering him. He often sighs when worried or drops his shoulders when he feels defeated. He’s easy to make cry and prone to get homesick. He’s also a bad liar. Oh, and never allow him to tell jokes. They’re all pretty bad.

Despite all the weaknesses, if Ruca puts his mind into something he will do it. He just needs a bit of cheering up sometimes. His friends are the power that makes him keep moving forward.

It would be also important to add that Ruca doesn’t like to fight and resolves to using force when there’s absolutely no other way. He would much more prefer to talk and convince the other side that fighting is unnecessary. He is well aware of the fact that in the world such as Naraka this may not always work, but his kindness and the idea that everyone deserve to be given another chance makes him try to talk to them anyway.

=== Samples: ===
First Person:
1) You discover a secret passage in a basement. What do you do?

I would try exploring it, even if only out of curiosity. But if it’s a creepy-looking sort of passage, I would probably ask someone to go with me...

2) Have you ever wanted to communicate with aliens from another planet?

I’ve never thought there could be life on another planet!... It would be really interesting to learn something about them...

3) Would you feel comfortable stating your opinion to a very important person?

I don’t think I would... I mean, I would try if it was something really important, but if it was going to hurt their feelings in some way, I think I would rather not say anything at all.

4) Do you like to do things according to plan?

Yes, of course. Though, things not always go according to the plan... But at that time, we’ll just have to think of another one.

5) Do you think that lies are sometimes necessary?

I rather not lie at all... I’m terrible at lying, anyway. But... everyone has something they want to hide... so I guess, sometimes it just can’t be helped.

Third Person:

Something like this shouldn’t be even possible and yet, for some odd reason Ruca was no longer human.

“What... happened?” The tiny, bird-like creature, that once used to be a sliver-heard boy asked no one in particular. Great shock still could be clearly heard in his voice as his big, bluish green eyes stared at the unfamiliar scenery.

It was hard to believe this was really happening.

“This... has to be a dream... right?”

It seemed like the best explanation for now, especially since Ruca remembered perfectly well, that just a moment ago, he was still aboard the airship. The giant flying machine was suppose to take them all to the Tower of Dawn, to finally stop Mathias. Seeing, as the place he was right now, looked like nothing he remembered from back home and was filled with strange creatures, it had to be a dream.

And yet, all of this seemed far too real to be a mere dream. Realizing this, Ruca’s heart filled with panic. He was alone, in a form of some little bird-like monster, with absolutely no idea what happened, where he is or for what reason he was even brought here.

“... No, I have to calm down.” He reminded himself. “I have to find out what happened.”

... But how to do that? Ask those other creatures? He had problems trying to talk to humans! Walking up to talk to those creatures and asking them seemed like a terrifying idea.

Hesitation and fear were not going to get him anywhere, though, but in spite of knowing about that, he just couldn’t do anything about it. He was too afraid he could do something, that would make someone upset or angry... And what if he got attacked? How could he possibly protect himself now?

He sighed, feeling awfully helpless.

“...What am I suppose to do now?”

riftedguilds, application

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