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Re: Heading home sonofdragons February 13 2007, 06:21:22 UTC
Tannim had held the Gate open for as long as he could, but he no longer had energy to feed it. He lost the anchor and the Gate flashed, tendrils of blue-green light streaking out just before it collapsed into itself. And then there was only a closet.

Tannim had just enough left to drag himself onto his bed before he passed out.


Re: Heading home blessed_twice February 13 2007, 13:26:04 UTC
And that would be Wyatt and Chris, still in the Underworld, looking at the place where the gate had once stood.

"Oh, shit," Wyatt said.


Re: Heading home neurotic_witch February 13 2007, 13:35:57 UTC
Chris stared at the empty spot. "Why didn't he have enough energy to hold it open for us? He did on the way here!"


Re: Heading home blessed_twice February 13 2007, 13:40:10 UTC
"Because of Lana and that other guy," Wyatt groaned. "We had two extras coming back. We are so screwed."


Re: Heading home neurotic_witch February 13 2007, 13:43:40 UTC
"Maybe... maybe Aunt Paige will realize that we didn't make it back and orb down to get us?" Chris suggested, though the sounds of angry demons seemed to be getting closer.


Re: Heading home blessed_twice February 13 2007, 13:45:30 UTC
"She didn't go back to the school, though," Wyatt pointed out. "She and mom will have no idea we didn't go back through the gate."


Re: Heading home neurotic_witch February 13 2007, 13:52:49 UTC
"Shit," Chris said. "Okay, we shouldn't panic. There has to be a way for us to get out of here."

Just as he was on the verge of flailing that they were going to die, he remembered something. "We orbed that weekend we were evil."


Re: Heading home blessed_twice February 13 2007, 14:00:09 UTC
"Right," Wyatt said. "We're half-Whitelighter. We can orb. We just need to figure out how. Like now!" A pair of demons stepped into the chamber and looked around in confusion.


Re: Heading home neurotic_witch February 13 2007, 14:14:33 UTC
Chris grabbed Wyatt's arm and was about to shout 'Run' when his fear kicked in and he orbed them both out, leaving the two demons standing in the chamber in confusion.


Re: Heading home blessed_twice February 13 2007, 14:24:15 UTC

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