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Comments 3

janiecat December 26 2010, 04:42:37 UTC
What a wonderful Christmas gift! You followed all the twisted threads of betrayal, lust and romance and untied the gnarly knot, leaving a pretty, satisfying bow. (Sorry for the gift analogy, but it *is* Christmas...) Anyway, I liked this a lot. You even managed to make me like Uther. Hopefully, we'll see more Season 3 fics from you in the future. Or, heck, any Merlin fic from you is good enough for me. Happy Holidays!


demon_faith January 6 2011, 18:27:37 UTC
Thank you very much!

My main goal was to try to resolve Arthur/Gwen into Gwen/Lancelot and Merlin/Arthur without making Gwen and Arthur cheaters. This was one of the few ways I could fathom it.

Glad you liked it!


silvershadows99 January 10 2011, 16:15:45 UTC
Enjoyed your story, Gwaine was a riot but nice to see him consider an exclusive relationship at the end; loved how you unpaired Arthur/Gwen (thank goodness) and made Arthur examine his feeling towards Merlin


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