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Comments 17

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demon_faith January 22 2009, 21:41:38 UTC
Thank you so much! Dick is a messed-up bird, and that was extremely cathartic to write for him!

*sigh* Yeah, that's it exactly.

*blushes* I thought everyone had forgotten about it for certain! It's been six months!


bradygirl_12 January 22 2009, 23:33:59 UTC
Oh, this is so beautiful!

All the wonderful times in Dick's life, then the terrible times. And even while being tortured, he never stopped believing that Bruce would come for him. And no matter what name he took, what disguise he hid behind, it was always Bruce, somewhere, somewhen.

The ending was good, very good.

I did get a chuckle out of this:

He shrugs it off and returns his gaze to the photos - first Christmas, first ball, first bank robbery.

Only in the Bat-Family does a first bank robbery get mixed in with the others! ;)

And this is the essence of Bruce and Dick:

Without thinking, he closes the gap between them and gasps against Bruce's lips. One touch, two, and he…remembers. The feeling of flight, the freedom and the joy and breathing together…


demon_faith January 23 2009, 22:01:20 UTC
*blushes* Thank you, honey!

It was all about Bruce. Even when he hated him and thought he'd abandoned him, he was still his world. In an entirely unhealthy way in this particular verse, it must be said.

Thank you. And yes - I love that line. You always pick my favourites!

That's my Bruce/Dick world: a harmony, a complete synchrony and symbiosis.


bradygirl_12 January 23 2009, 23:18:54 UTC
*blushes* Thank you, honey!

You're very welcome! :)

It was all about Bruce. Even when he hated him and thought he'd abandoned him, he was still his world. In an entirely unhealthy way in this particular verse, it must be said.

Oh, yes. But considering the horror Dick went through, I'm not surprised it turned out unhealthy.

But it struck me that even as an assassin, he was thinking that Bruce would be so proud! *poor, broken birdie*

Thank you. And yes - I love that line. You always pick my favourites!

Heh, I'm glad I have that eye for the best lines. :)

That's my Bruce/Dick world: a harmony, a complete synchrony and symbiosis.

Yes! That's exactly how I see them. I can't help but return to that theme over and over in my Bruce/Dick stories. :)


ladybugkay January 24 2009, 15:37:42 UTC
How do I love thee, let me count the ways:

1. more Remade 'verse!
2. more Remade 'verse! (this bears repeating)
3. A kissing conclusion to the Remade 'verse!
4. Bruce's touch 'beginning' Dick again. Wow is that a beautiful sentiment and thrillingly phrased.
5. She is much more than a role. She has taken over. So very true. Dick lost himself in Mary, lost control and drowned int he role he created, and you articulated that so clearly.
6. It is the face of a lost little girl, who doesn't understand why the world has to be so cruel. She will fit in well in Blüdhaven. Oh, Dick. Oh, Bludhaven. Is it any wonder I find that city infinitely more fascinating than Gotham? It's part of why I prefer my Nightwing around that time than in New York: so much more scope for my imagination.
7. Dick as Amie being drawn to Bruce like a moth to a flame.
8. Bruce and Dick breathing together.
9. It's my birthday--well, yesterday--and I'll read Bruce/Dick fanfic if I want to. *sings a happy little ditty*

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


demon_faith January 24 2009, 16:14:24 UTC
*blushes* Aww, honey. I'm glad you like it - and I'm sorry it took so LONG!

2) LOL!
3) There had to be kissing. I mean, it was meant to be a Bruce/Dick series and there wasn't actually any Bruce/Dick in it...
4) He's the constant, and it seemed fitting that he would be able to centre Dick again and bring him back to himself.
5) Mary scared me, actually. She was too strong for Dick's fractured psyche to master. I think that's why he adopted Amie - she was even more fragile than he.
6) Bludhaven is amazing in so many ways! And I love the idea that, unconsciously perhaps, Amie mirrors everything Dick is at that time.
7) He can't keep away. He could have stayed with Slade, with the kill, but he had to come back to Bruce.
8) Yeah, I loved that. I had to put it in there - there's no way you can be partners like they are and not BREATHE together.

You are most welcome. *bows*


skitty_kat January 25 2009, 14:00:32 UTC
*snuggles you tight*
Oh, that's fabulous and lovely and beautiful. *tears up, just a little bit*
It's actually a perfect (and I can't believe I'm saying this, there's something wrong with me) pretty much end to the 'verse. Brings it all together wonderfully.

*coughs* Um, how're you getting on with the Snupin-that-dare-not-speak-its-name?


demon_faith January 25 2009, 14:03:26 UTC
Aww! *passes handkerchief*

And thank you. I needed to show the journey to get to the ending, I think.

*blushes* Uh...I only just found it in my inbox today... Will definitely get some read tonight, but I have exams in two weeks. Will try my best - keep nudging me!


skitty_kat January 25 2009, 14:12:12 UTC
Well, I suppose exams are allowed to take priority. *rolls eyes* Bloody students. ;)
There're another three chapters ready for reading after that too ... the ones with the pr0n in *blushes*
But yes, exams are more important. Just about.


demon_faith January 25 2009, 14:20:41 UTC
Heh. Just about.

I will do my very best for you, honey.


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demon_faith January 28 2009, 16:52:04 UTC
Thank you. Forget Batman - 'real' Bruce is scary enough, especially pre-Robin.

The last scene completes the series, I think. It finally gives closure to the plot.


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