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demon_faith June 24 2008, 12:50:57 UTC
Oh, yes, he brings out the protective instinct in all of us. :)

When I was re-reading Cracks, I realised that one of the main reasons for Dick creating Amie was because he couldn't resolve the truth about what had happened to him. Was Bruce really to blame or had Slade lied to him? So, with this piece, I wanted him to be confronted with the truth, from Slade's own lips - now, hopefully, the healing process can begin.

Thank you. :)


skitty_kat June 24 2008, 12:10:38 UTC
Yay, finally! I've been looking forward to this one. Knew you'd get round to writing it.
And yay for all of it. Bruce being Bruce and stalking Amie, Slade and Bruce and then Amie coming to Bruce's rescue ... and the 'theory three' bit just about broke my heart.
*lavishes you with love and hugs*

The 'first of the Remade fragments', huh? Ooh...


demon_faith June 24 2008, 12:58:04 UTC
It was great to write - and you can still scribble something for it, if you like. If not, I'll whisper some of my ideas about the next one.

I added the "theory three" bit as an afterthought, so I'm glad you enjoyed that reference.

hmm. I've definitely got an idea for one more, maybe another and possibly one other to round off the plot. Who knows anymore?


bradygirl_12 June 25 2008, 00:53:40 UTC
Excellent! I'm happy to see Dick learning the truth about Slade and getting the chance to finally heal.

Yes, very Bruce for him to be following Amie. :)


demon_faith June 25 2008, 15:02:43 UTC
As Dick's biggest issue was not knowing who to trust, removing that obstacle should help him move on. Should. ;)

Bruce is a creepy little stalker and has ingrained that trait into Tim - it's kinda freaky. :)


anthraciteowl July 3 2008, 21:48:44 UTC
Hmm. Wasn't Tim a creepy little stalker even before he was under the Bat's wing? Some things are serendipity.


anthraciteowl June 29 2008, 20:40:01 UTC
Oh. Oh *Dick*. Maybe now he can start putting his pieces back together.
"Theory three! Why three? WHY? She was right, all along she was right, Mary, Mary was right!"
That line broke my heart.

Thank you for posting this!


demon_faith June 30 2008, 09:37:43 UTC
That's the theory :). Knowing the Batfamily, however, nothing is ever that simple.

That line, as I said above, was added much much later, because I felt I needed some continuity between Cracks and this. However, I'm glad it worked so well for you.

You're welcome, and thank you for your feedback.


ladybugkay July 9 2008, 03:59:22 UTC
Aieeee! This is what I get for not checking my LJ for a couple of weeks - I miss an update to your fabulous Remade Trilogy. *kicks self repeatedly*

Oh, I loved it. Of course, but still, I loved it.

Bruce has always been the one to delineate so carefully and absolutely between personas, and it is undeniably intriguing to watch him attempt (and fail) to deal with Dick's refusal/inability to break character. Wow.

And then the ending...just, YES! Oh, yes. Dick is back, baby! Can I say, for the umpteenth time, just how much I adore this 'verse you've created? I do still have the itch to dip my toe into it, at some point, but for now, I'll simply bask in the glories you continue to provide. :-D


demon_faith July 10 2008, 17:52:55 UTC
Heh - in your own time, hon.

And thank you. :)

Yeah, Bruce doesn't really understand Dick's mindset - I mean, who really does? Though I do think Bruce's experience of dual personas actually makes it *harder* for him to understand: this is how I do it, why don't you do it this way?

I'm glad you liked it, hon. The next part is lurking in the wings, waiting for me to actually write it...

But then I want lots and lots of Kay!fic!


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