FIC: Four things Jack never did in 19th Century France (and one he did)

May 26, 2008 12:42

TITLE: Four things Jack never did in 19th Century France (and one he did ( Read more... )

torchwood, birthday, musical, fic

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Comments 8

skitty_kat May 26 2008, 19:06:21 UTC
*mwah* *hugs you*
I'm going to come back and read this later/email it to read it in work because I am far too tired to do it justice and get excited over it.
The concept = made of MUCH AWESOME.
But somehow I don't want to read it when all I can hear is my housemates playing Guitar Hero in the next room.
I shall come back tomorrow and let you know how much I love it (because I will).


demon_faith May 26 2008, 19:11:44 UTC
*hugs back*

It is rather long. Enjoy in your own time. :)

I was trying so hard to keep quiet when you started talking about how good Torchwood is for crossovers - hee!

*is glomped*


skitty_kat May 28 2008, 09:00:32 UTC
Egads, have I mentioned recently how much I love you?
Oh Jack ... Jacque, you old slag. But you were shagging Marius so it's aaaall good. Oh yes. And blatantly Enjolras on the side, non? I always think Enjolras'd be shagging around all those studenty bods.
*glomps again*
*loves you*
That's faaabulous!
Of course, Jack's probably spent a fair bit of time in France. At the Moulin Rouge, undoubtedly (disguised as a can-can girl). Shagging Cole Porter (though I still need to watch De-Lovely and find out whether that was in Paris or not).
Oh, can you tell I'm in a rambling mood? Bloody work.
Thank you, darlin'!


demon_faith May 28 2008, 16:38:27 UTC

Glad you liked it, hon. And he is a bit - but look how sad he is too. :( Oh yeah. Though Enjolras and Grantaire are clearly made for each other.

You are very welcome. It was fun (and tragic) to write.


ladybugkay May 31 2008, 06:51:25 UTC
OMG, you are brilliant. I mean it. I love you. I want to hug you and squeeze you and call you George--er, well, hug you, anyway. And maybe twirl you just a wee bit for being so absolutely amazing.

I am an enormous fan of Les Mis--I've seen it 5 times, now, in 3 different cities (including London, England)--and when I saw this, I got really quite ludicrously excited.

And then...*sighs*...and then it's just so damned good.

Because I could so easily see each and every one of these things actually happening. Jack could have been Cosette's father. He could have met Jean Valjean. He really could have been Marius's lover (I think that one was my favourite, although at first I thought it was going to be Jack/Enjolras, which also would have made me happy). He could have given Eponine one night of pseudo-happiness, or at least allowed her to be seen. And the coat! Oh, the coat, which was the most exquisite detail ( ... )


demon_faith June 2 2008, 20:03:04 UTC
Woo! A Kay comment! These always make my day. :)

I'd forgotten you loved Les Mis too - Torchwood/Les Mis, fandom of three!


I didn't know until I read wiki that it wasn't JVJ, cos I am slow - but, yeah, easily Jack. Meeting JVJ was, admittedly, the easiest part; working in the kiss was hard, though. Jack/Marius makes me whimper slightly, because it's so sad (and Enjolras/Grantaire! C'mon!). Jack/Eponine was originally going to be the entire plot, but the others demanded to be heard, and I'm glad they were. Yay coat!

I like the idea of three of Jack's great loves being present in a moment with him, but not really with him. It appeals to both the tragedy and romance of my soul. ;)

Aww, thanks hon. You're such a flatterer!


halfeatenmoon June 19 2008, 22:16:10 UTC
This was wonderful. I love Les Miserables; I've never had a chance to see the musical live, but I have a video recording and it kept me sane through high school, I think. I had to read the second story twice to figure out exactly what was going on but that's not a flaw in the story (though possibly my reading comprehension).

I loved the Eponine one the best, though. She was always my favourite.

I'm not much good with reviews, but just, thanks for writing this. It's beautiful.


demon_faith June 19 2008, 22:21:43 UTC
Thank you! I've seen it twice now, and it's absolutely stunning.

I like the Eponine one best too - her life is so tragic, yet Jacque gives her what she needs.

Thank you again.


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