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Comments 7

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demon_faith April 14 2008, 16:30:06 UTC
It's magic. :)

Bruce has always been dark. At least in this reality he has a reason.

I really destroyed Dick in this fic. Well, Slade did - let's all blame Slade, shall we? ;)

Bruce is currently in his favourite place: denial. I think that when he lost Dick, he put him on a pedestal, as some kind of untouchable icon. So, he feels guilty about his feelings for him because he doesn't want to taint the perfection. It is silly reasoning, but then Bruce is silly.

*offers you a cushion* Thanks for commenting, hon.


ladybugkay April 14 2008, 22:34:05 UTC
*shrieks a little in joy* An update!

Um. Candy. I'm not going to voice any suspicions for fear of spoiling something. *g*

There is something about Bruce drawing Dick's face, over and over, unsure quite how he feels about Dick (and so wrong about how Dick feels about him), but wanting, needing him back, that breaks my heart. It's needy!Bruce, and it's no wonder he's begun to idologize Dick - Bruce can't do anything halfway, and guilt has always been a driving force in his life that spurred him on to epic feats and beliefs.

I'll have you know I haven't been this excited about a WIP in a very long time. Well, maybe that's because I tend to avoid them unless they're by a writer I know and love, because the wait almost kills me.

Anyway, brilliant chapter, as always, with just enough revealed to emphasize how much is still withheld from us.


demon_faith April 15 2008, 09:15:19 UTC
Hon, your shrieking makes my day. *g*

Candy's a lovely name, don't ya think?

Bruce is a mess. I think it's an interesting parallel to Dick, who was broken by others and has, without even realising, kept hold of Bruce to keep himself together. Bruce, on the other hand, has used his love for Dick to break himself.

Aww, thank you, sweetie. That's a lovely thing to know. I'm terrible about WiPs - I avoid them almost completely, because I hate it when they're never finished and I'm left wondering forever.

Thank you for commenting! Four chapters left...


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demon_faith April 15 2008, 10:13:28 UTC
Aren't we all?

No comment. :)

Bruce's obsessions are horrifically unhealthy. *pets him*

Again, no comment.

*gathers everyone in a group hug* Thanks for commenting!


bradygirl_12 April 17 2008, 17:46:12 UTC
I loved the Batman/Deathstroke confrontation! This was perfect, as Slade has always been obsessed with Dick.

Guilt and failures and brokenness all around! *sobs*


demon_faith April 17 2008, 17:50:48 UTC
I know very little about Slade, so I'm glad that worked for you.

They are all such a broken set *hugs them*


bradygirl_12 April 17 2008, 18:05:15 UTC
I know very little about Slade, so I'm glad that worked for you.

I'm sure the Slade experts can tell you a lot about him, but as long as you know he's obsessed with our Little Bird, you're good. ;)


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