:( and :)

Dec 20, 2010 18:44

A bee peed on my toothbrush. --Do bees pee? A bee secreted on my toothbrush. I know you're nervous, surprisingly large beastie, but I was only trying to gently shoo you out.

My Yuletide gift fic has been uploaded! I'm trying to force it to become accessible with a force beaming from my eyeballs. *STARES*

yuletide, invertebrates

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Comments 17

makeste December 21 2010, 01:16:44 UTC
A bee peed on my toothbrush.

And in the category of "sentences that you least expected to ever hear in your life but now that you've heard them THEY CANNOT BE UNHEARD D:", we have... XDD

Congrats on the Yuletide fic, though!


demoerin December 21 2010, 16:21:25 UTC
Also "sentences you never expected to write AND NEVER WANTED TO D:".

I actually meant that it was my gift-fic that had been uploaded, which is great to know. Of course I hate the fic that I'm giving, as is generally the case. *edits furiously*


hitokirisan December 21 2010, 02:30:46 UTC
...yeah, do bees pee? I haven't ever thought of that. And on your teethbrush. D:


demoerin December 21 2010, 16:21:58 UTC
I'm not going to think about it again! I just rinsed and rinsed the toothbrush. XD


thelovemafia December 21 2010, 04:48:50 UTC
... I AM SORRY that my thoughts were, as follows:

1. Was it really pee?

2. Did it taste like honey?


demoerin December 21 2010, 16:24:21 UTC
1. It could have been leaking venom from the stinger area, but I really can't say. And still not sure I want to really know.



but but ED thelovemafia December 22 2010, 08:16:07 UTC
1. But I do... (Granted, it was not my toothbrush, this makes all the difference);

2. NOOOOOO YOU COULD HAVE ADVANCED THE BOUNDARIES OF SCIENCE! (also lacewood sometimes adopts a similar tone when we talk. Heh)

3. I have visions of you camping in brushlands! Or flowery meadows!


Re: but but ED demoerin December 22 2010, 17:24:22 UTC
1. Indeed it does. /stern

2. Science will have to do without me. I AM DEDICATED TO ART.

3. Actually, I'm at home by now. These are the hazards of small town living! (Once a monkey nearly broke in.) (But okay, that was really, really unusual.)


lacewood December 23 2010, 08:57:37 UTC

I'm sorry, but the mental image was so hilarious I actually had to Google this question just to satisfy my curiosity. XD I'm sure your toothbrush isn't really much the worse for it...?


demoerin December 23 2010, 13:36:19 UTC
I haven't had the courage to Google it yet, but I think I will soon. And (forgive me if this is too much info) the bee only left a drop, so it wasn't that bad. Anyway, ten minutes of hot running water later, most things give in.


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