
Nov 15, 2007 09:04

Spike will play Piccolo in the live action DBZ movie? What? A quick Google search indicates that this is probably true and not, in fact, someone making up crazy rumours for kicks. SPIKE, YOU GUYS. It doesn't matter how much CGI they slap on James Marsters, it won't stop being weird ( Read more... )

wot?, that ain't right, recs: katekyo hitman reborn!, that's wrong

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demoerin November 16 2007, 15:45:48 UTC
Yes, that's Piccolo. Except in the first series, apparently he was really short and more like a demon. After looking around a bit, it seems this movie is based on Dragonball rather than Dragonball Z (the later series), which seems to make a world of difference. I don't really care. I just really need to see how they do the anime hair. :D

I actually still liked Spike after he became good. He was such a woobie! Possibly this is because I watched the first few seasons so long ago I only remember a select few things, and a general impression of awesomeness. I do remember getting the feeling it was all going slowly downhill once they got out of high school.

And ... I love your icon.


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demoerin November 18 2007, 06:35:02 UTC
Dragonball had lots of animalistic characters. They'll really have to make this movie cartoony to have any hope of getting the spirit of the series right.

them being at high school while destroying vampires and such was part of what made it fun to begin with, imo
Totally agreed. It was part of that awesome silliness that made the show great.

You're making me all nostalgic with the Buffy talk. Spike and Drusilla were such a cool couple. I loved them.

I was okay with some of the changes made to the characters, but it did eventually feel like they'd grown too far away from the ones I loved at the beginning of the series. Willow and Xander in particular lost a lot of their innocent dorky-geekery, and while it made sense, it was all kinda ... D:


threesteps November 18 2007, 21:01:31 UTC
Oh my god, James Marsters is going to play the green dude from DBZ. My god.
I have got to see this. XD


demoerin November 19 2007, 15:41:41 UTC
Yeah, it's so WEIRD that it's a must-see. Live-action Dragonball is odd enough, but now the casting makes it irresistibly crazy.


threesteps November 19 2007, 19:11:56 UTC
I KNOW. My gooodoggdd. XD


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