Fic: Hand Holding~KyouKao

Jun 08, 2009 15:55

Title: Hand Holding
Rating: PG
Fandom: Ouran
Pairing: KyouKao
Summary: He wants to hold hands. You don't. A childish fight insues. 2nd Person.
Disclaimer: I do not own, sadly...*wails*

Let's hold hands, he insists sweetly )

{pairing}kyoukao, {fandom}ouran, {genra}fanfiction, {genra}yaoi

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Comments 2

I told you I'd get around to commenting. heh ceile_chan October 15 2009, 00:03:23 UTC
So I just enjoyed this little vignette of Kyouya x Kaoru luff and goodness. Very nicely done, and I'm now entrenched in my puddle of luff and goo. Thank you for sharing it ( ... )


Re: I told you I'd get around to commenting. heh demi_rabbit October 15 2009, 01:23:28 UTC
-completely heartstruckdumbfelt- ......AWWWWW! You're so kind!!! I'm so happy you liked it and - yes, 2nd person is deadly!! Especially when used inappropriately or appropriately XD But, I think it also has a tendancy to give a certain fic just the feel it needs to get it through the story~ And it, in general, is just so...KYOUYA to me! ^^

-hisses at red pens of death- Back, ye of mortal comparison! Back, I tell you, back!! (Teacher pens!!!)

I'm so happy you liked it!!! <3


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