Title: The Gala
Series: Monoshizukanohi//Naruto AU
Author: Darkprism
Genre: Drama/Romance/Kink
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Primary is Itachi/Kimimaro/Haku with references to three-quarters of the Monoshizukanohi world.
Word Count: Almost complete.
Warnings/Notes: OVERALL: BDSM, D/s Relationships, heavy crossover, language, impact play, nudity, language, gothic motif, side story, anal, oral, voyeurism, etc.
Spoilers: None whatsoever.
Summary: Upon their return from a cruise of the world, Haku suggests that Itachi and company throw a party...
A/N: This is a birthday gift for my friend, Kimya, who said she would love to see, "Haku playing the piano." The rest evolved from there.
I'd like to say that there are 22 people represented in this story from six fandoms. Because I like to make things easy on myself. XD
Happy birthday, girl. Hope you enjoy. <3
The Gala Part IThe Gala Part IIThe Gala Part IIIThe Gala Part IVThe Gala Part V Final READING LIST: If you want to make the most out of this story that weaves everyone and their uncle together... here's your reading list (check out the handy-dandy side bar for direct links):
Rhythm & Bruise
"Knight of Swords"
"Broken Interlude"
"The Tower"
"Turning the Tables"
In Fact...
For the entire list of Nagato/Itachi/Soubi/various stories and information:
Click Here.
The Manor References
The Uchiha Manor is modeled after a combination of
Vanderbilt Estate or Biltmore and
The World Ship
Where Itachi and Crew Have a Condo.
Stained Glass Window
ShapeDesign (ish; not exact, just general style/subject)
Everybody's Outfits
To see the links and my notes (to explain to an artist friend of mine doing a rendering of everybody and their uncles) on fashion/characters/etc.,
Fandoms Represent!
There are six fandoms represented in "The Gala".
Naruto (obviously)
Coyote Starrk. I added the Italian surname, "Coletti" for AU purposes.
Agatsuma Soubi.
Togainu No Chi:
Gunji &
Kiriwar. The "old man and baby chick" reference is straight out of the anime/manga. Kiriwar was requested by
chronomorphosis. <3
Miroku. Requested by
kyuubi1010 <3
Trinity Blood:
Abel Nightroad Reference Images
This is my Nagato (only mine has auburn hair and bourbon-colored eyes):
This is my Soubi (who still has glasses):
Egg of Anguish Haku's Set List
Beethoven Moonlight Sonata - Piano Sonata No. 14Rachmaninov - Fantasy Pieces Op. 3The Ghost SongA Secret Garden - Theme Violin & Piano arrangementYiruma - Kiss the RainDvorak - Op. 11 RomanceTchaikovsky - Sleeping Beauty's WaltzMale Vocals for Sleeping Beauty's Waltz