Characters: Suzaku Kururugi, Charlotte La Bouff, Schneizel el Britannia
Location: The Inn
Time: April 1st Late afternoon
Brief Summary: Oh Lordy, take me straight to that prince, Imma bag him good.
Rating: General, we assume.
... If it meant I could find my prince charmin' )
Comments 20
"I think this is the inn," He responded to the girl, breaking his train of thought to offer her another smile. "It should be safe inside, so the network says."
With that he knocks on the door once or twice before opening it and bowing, allowing the lady to pass him. "After you, Miss Le Bouff."
She had only caught a fleeting glimpse of the prince on Suzaku's... what had he called it? Communication device? Really she had no idea what to expect when she stepped into the inn.
She glanced around the humble room. Gracious, it was worse than Tia's restaurant had looked in the beginning- and presumably this place was complete and functional. What a place to meet Royalty.
This was perfect, and Charlotte could not mess it up. It was unlikely she'd be meeting a handsome young prince again any time soon.
She placed her hand daintily onto his proffered hand, bobbing a little curtsy. "That's me, your highness. Its such an honour to meet y'all, even in such a strange place as this."
Only then did he release her hand, letting his smile linger a moment before turning to face Suzaku, his arms folding behind his back. "Major Kururugi. Thank you for seeing Miss La Bouff here safely. It pleases me to see you well - assuming that is the case?"
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