Characters: EVERYONE
Location: The Inn!
Time: All throughout the day - that is, Easter Sunday, 24th April!
Brief Summary: So there's a feast at the Inn. The residents are all affected by mood altering eggs. Do I need to spell shenanigans? Oh well I just did.
Rating: Totally G! Will edit if that goes up!
With all the ribbons on it~ )
Comments 12
Today she takes her time - and not just because of the feast being served, although that is part of it. Reaching for her fifth bun and nibbling on it, the strangeness does occur to her, but it doesn't really matter. She feels less wary, less tight in her skin and not wondering (not fearing) whatever improbable event was next.
((OOC: Red egg of courage egg! ...the only way to get her here. :( ))
Which is why he is now sliding into the seat next to Saki as if they were old friends, his face split in a dreamy smile. He plants an elbow on the table and props up his head with his hand, sighing.
“Have you seen my love, kid? I just...I need to hold his hand and whisper sweet nothings in his ear."
She discreetly shifts the hold of her fork.
His next words give her pause. "What the hell are you talking about? Go away."
"Huh? But I just told you! I need to find Sheik. I need to tell him things..."
With another deep sigh, he gazes into the distance at nothing and smiles again.
"I love him so much...he's everything I want in my life. Those exotic red eyes...his beautiful voice...that sexy body."
He flops the upper half of his body on the table now, all dramatics.
If anyone paid enough attention to him, they'd occasionally hear a soft, contented sigh.
He grinned and, glasses askew, leaned over to slap the person sitting beside him hard on the shoulder.
"That's better than a slap in the face with a wet fish!"
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