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Comments 10

nngan January 30 2013, 16:19:05 UTC
"чтобы не было..." - очередные бесплодные мечтанья. Есть и будет все по-прежнему. И станет ли оказывать какую-то помощь сельхозу - равно как и любой инициативе, идущей снизу - гос-во, созданное усилиями его славных предков - красных бандитов и разрушителей.


moris_gerald January 30 2013, 18:44:23 UTC
Да уж! В скором времени житница России - Ставрополье и Краснодарский край - окажутся в руках исламистов. Стоит только нефти упасть... Тут бы свое население прокормить. Хотя если оно сократится до 20-30 млн., то это вполне реально. Тогда Президент прав. :)


ext_1408501 January 30 2013, 19:15:53 UTC
At least, it is an attempt to follow real world's trends.
"Dialectics". Initially were many mineral resourses, but no factories: and Russia was semi-agrarian country. Finally will be many factories, but no mineral resourses. And Russia also will be semi-agrarian country.
Agriculture will be even serious sourse of fuel, in a future.
These predictions were well-known long time ago. Much earlier Putin's coming. And final stage will be reached after few tens years since Putin's death.
It is not about Putin, if discuss it seriously.


isa_muslim January 30 2013, 20:42:53 UTC
Включишь телевизор, то там, то здесь, на всех каналах только и возвеличивают певиц и артистов... они у нас герои. до недавнего времени, Алла Пугачева и Филип Киркоров не сходили с экрана, а сейчас там Дима Билан сидит (о политиках не говорим). А про работяг, которые реально приносят людям пользу - ни слово. Нужно поднять сельское хозяйство, нужно поднять авторитет крестьянско-фермерских работников, рабочих, инженеров, конструкторов и ученых а не восхвалять эстрадных проституток.
Если так впредь будем продолжать петь, танцевать и пить, а земли раздавать под строительство, то не далек тот день, когда вся страна будет стоять с протянутой рукой: "О Запад, о Восток, о Европа и Азия, подайте на хлебушку". Не дай Бог, конечно..


ext_1408501 January 30 2013, 22:04:16 UTC
Why are you thinking, that all these shows influent on something real? It simply reflected current situation, but not determined it.
In USSR trime, there were periodically campanies for "country healthy life". Which campanies I don't know may be increased flow from countries.


isa_muslim January 31 2013, 06:01:00 UTC
Sorry, I do not know English. I tried to translate your text through a translator, but could not understand, despite the fact that I am happy to talk to you.


ext_1408501 January 31 2013, 13:32:55 UTC
I also don't know English. What a sense participate in discussion if you know everythink. We need to develope yourself, first of all.
Concerning the subject. Simply: salary in Moscow may be ten time higher than in countries. And also hot washrooms. In these matherial curcumstantions:
1. It should be nobody in countries.
2. It should be gay - oriented TV. Seriously. As big sities: it is not good for biological reproducing.
It is a real problem. For system in whole it is inprofitable: that everybody intent to live in a big sities. But for separate persons there are profitable.
I think it can be modeled mathematically: big sities like "black holes". Attracted peoples, which die there, but before transport there material goods, creating infrustructres, and other. Which make these "economical black holes" more attractive, for next generations.
And it is unclear, how to "explose" these "black holes".


exss January 31 2013, 00:20:24 UTC
вова окончательно хрюкнулся мозгами. в питерских универсамах овощи дороже мяса. качество часто - одна гниль. выбор, как в совке. зато цены набирают каждый месяц. себя бы прокормить. где это его драное вто с кисельными берегами и молочными реками? физдобол..


ext_1408501 January 31 2013, 13:45:46 UTC
Interesting. If prices on food comparatively with salaries will be ten time higher: may be peoples start to change Moscow on country? Or majority simply die? As they are too creative, to be flexible?
Actually: half month of work for one man, without technicue, and his family having enough carbohydrates (potato) for year. It is still unprofitable, with Moscow and westrn, salary/ price ratio. But if ratio will be changed?


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