Fandom: Axis Powers: HETALIA
Title: -
Memories - [グリグリメガネと月光蟲; twine; one in a million; 愛言葉; and when the fool sleeps; the soul in pieces; snapshot; out of curiosity; star-shaped patterns; early hours]
Rating: PG
Characters / Pairings: [main] Greece/Japan, others may appear throughout
Summary: Count down the time we spent together; each and every moment is precious.
Dis/claimer: These are works of fanfiction, and is by no means an accurate depiction of nations, their relations or views. All linked vocaloid songs/translated lyrics do not belong to me either.
A/N: Parts eight-one to ninety. And I am sick, urghghksdshadj
100 words a day; 365 moments to remember. This is who we are.
(グリグリメガネと月光蟲 // Glass)
The wind picked up gradually, as scarves and hats were snatched from the unprepared. Somewhere in the distance, he could hear the crash of waves. Some things did not change, old pictures overlapping the new, remaining in the hearts of those long gone; left in the pages of books too fragile to be touched.
In him, too, though few would believe it.
But, as nations, they knew those feelings, so it was not like he was alone. Closing his eyes, Greece listened to the waves; in his mind’s eye, paper cranes took flight, to grant a wish not yet known.
*An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane. (
the song behind the title.
(twine // Apple)
They were arranged carefully, but Japan leaned back to observe the display with a critical eye. There was no reason for it, as there was no one present to see what he was doing, and it would be gone by morning.
but not really, even as he told himself that-
As life continued, Japan found less time for himself. There were only so many hours in a day, between meetings and entertaining guests when they were visiting, while new technologies spread and adjustment was necessary.
so it was an arrangement that said nothing, but reminded him of days long gone…
(one in a million // Cup)
It was not often that these moments occurred, Greece thought, nursing the drink in his hands, and maybe it was for the best.
He watched as England lectured Sealand about something (only to have Australia interrupt every four words), while France, Prussia and Spain sang in a corner, egged on by America and Hungary.
Beside him on the couch, Japan ignored the chaos around them. He had not even looked up from the DS screen, and Greece could only glance down.
What he saw almost caused him to choke, and Japan sighed; “I knew a change in expression was necessary.”
(愛言葉 // Overflow)
“Thank you.”
He was unsure of what had prompted those words, even as the wind chime above them rang; a crystal clear sound, transcending reality. Most of the cats had gathered around them, curling up for a nap that would not end soon, and Greece had not looked away from the sky when he had spoken.
Placing the teacup to one side, Japan turned, debating over the best reply to give. But he realised, like back then, that what they had did not necessarily require lengthy speeches or large gestures to make a point.
And so he smiled, “You’re welcome.”
*Another vocaloid-inspired piece.
I’m in love with you
but that’s actually a lie (laugh)
The truth is I love you very much
I just can’t bring myself to hurt you
I’m in love with you
I’ll give you all my heart
I want to laugh with you, saying, “So this was your song.”
愛言葉 [Hatsune Miku]
(and when the fool sleeps // Blind)
When the lights were switched off, it was then that they were completely still. Their eyes would adjust, until the outline of objects around them became clear; the same process no matter where they were.
Greece sometimes wondered if it was selfish of him, to intrude on Japan’s space with how the other felt about contact in general. But here, now, it meant nothing, while murmured words and the shifting of blankets temporarily broke the silence. Then he would reach towards Japan, asking for permission, before they shuffled closer and lay there, listening to the world until sleep claimed them.
(the soul in pieces // Bonds)
They were nations. It could never be changed, Japan thought, and because of that, certain feelings had to be squashed, pushed away. He was running, always running: the idea of really knowing someone, of allowing them to know him was frightening, and so Japan kept to himself.
But they had chipped away the barriers - Italy, England, America… - completely unaware of the fact. He wondered why, but it had all screeched to a halt, so suddenly it almost hurt.
A gentle knock, while Greece waited for him to open that door; not wishing to chase, knowing that Japan would stop eventually.
(snapshot // Sunset)
When morning turned to night - to morning once more - it became a loop. Everything blurred, while details became lost in the stream of time.
Greece watched as Japan raised his camera higher; he had lost count of how many photos the island nation had taken, wishing to catch the perfect moment (impossible, of course, but they always tried) as his mind began to wander.
It looked the same, he decided, like back then, while the cats crawled over him and Japan set the camera down. They watched as the sun sank below the horizon, notes of birdsong fading into silence.
(out of curiosity // Blood)
Why did you do that? The cat asked, even as Japan set the knife down and inspected the injury; he had only nicked himself with the blade, an involuntary movement when the tortoiseshell had jumped up. It was not serious (he had experienced worse, much worse) and the island nation stepped back.
In the hallway, he heard shouting from the television, and smiled slightly at Greece’s attempt to understand the obsession that was gaming. Though unsure of the reasons behind the sudden interest, Japan decided that he could help once he finished preparing dinner. But first, a band-aid seemed necessary.
(star-shaped patterns // Pillow)
It took a lot to shock them, especially someone as laid-back as Greece. So when he did not bat an eyelid at China’s display of all things cute and merely curled up there, it should have been considered normal.
Compared to the chaos around them, it was, Japan decided, while Lithuania was pushed into singing a duet with Korea. As the volume rose, he approached Greece.
It seemed he had made a bed from the cat-shaped pillows, content to sleep there; after politely refusing to join Korea and Lithuania, Japan remained where he was. It was nice here, after all.
(early hours // Clock)
“Welcome back.” The words came naturally, though it was only nearing seven in the morning. Japan did not seem to hear him, and merely wandered past as if in a daze.
Greece returned to the preparations for breakfast, but then stopped in realisation. Retrieving his jacket from the bedroom, he approached Japan, curled up on the couch in the living room; as he set the article of clothing around the other’s shoulders, their eyes met.
“Thank you,” Japan said, and Greece squeezed his shoulder. A quick glance out the window confirmed that it was going to be another beautiful day.
[part 71 - 80] // part 81 - 90 //
[part 91 - 100]