
Feb 06, 2010 08:00

server guild descriptions
list of guilds
guild creation rules and guild guidelines
apply for guild creation

Guilds guilds guilds-- possibly the most important aspect of The World for your character! The guilds (or @Homes, as they're called in The World) are your home base. There's an @Home in every root town, and you speak with the NPCs on either side of the double-doors and show them your guild member card-- an inventory item once you've been invited and accept-- to be granted entrance. Once you enter, there's a central living room space with a Grunty fashioned after the guild leader that manages everything necessary in your @Home. Grunties are small, cute pigs that stand on two legs and have an attitude and hair/clothes to match the guild leader, and they're usually pretty talkative!

@Homes will upgrade to the next server when a certain member number is reached, or the average level of all the members reaches the level necessary to gain access to the server detailed below. Because of this, you'll be allowed to access other servers faster if you're a low level and in a higher-level guild, so that you can get to the guilds-- but you won't be allowed to warp to any areas on that server until you reach the normal level. We don't want you getting killed, now!

There's a special feature inside of your @Home to accommodate everyone, of course! There's two entrances to the rooms in every @Home on opposite ends of the far wall-- a single door with a place to slide your guild member card. When you open the door, it opens onto the room you share with four other guild members chosen by the guild master-- which means if you ask nicely, your guild leader will be able to arrange rooms with desired roommates, or move you somewhere you've been placed that you don't like! This is an added security feature in case you don't agree with other people in your guild, and to keep everything neat and tidy; but that doesn't mean you can't invite your friends into your room!

A list of all current guilds and their information is kept below, and the application to create a guild is at the very bottom. To invite people into a guild, you have to sent the invite directly from Relic to Relic in person and then when they accept, a guild member card will appear in their inventory. It's up to the Guildmaster whether invites are open to members or closed to just the Guildmaster, so be sure to specify in your guild application which you'd prefer!

Guild creation will be kept fairly limited, however, until the game grows, so please try to fit your characters into existing guilds by contacting the guild leaders or other members to work out in-game interactions and get them invited! The current loose ratio is one guild to every twenty or so characters in the game.

eternal city mac anu

The @Home base in Mac Anu is located in the Mercenary District on the far left of town, up and around the harbor. It's slightly underground, and the @Home itself is fairly small, but cozy. The sitting room has a number of plush red tub chairs and tables with copper oil lamps, and is kept warm by a coal heater tended to by the Grunty. There's stairs to the left and right against the walls, halfway around the room that lead you to a semi-circle platform in the middle and a left and right hallway. On the platform is a small dining area and kitchen, with two doors to large, communal bathrooms-- gender-specific. The kitchen is stocked with the basics of basics, and you have to buy anything extra at shops in town. But don't worry, all of the food is fairly cheap and you can find most anything if you look hard enough.

Each hall leads you to the bedrooms with a card reader. The bedrooms are just big enough for four people, with comfy hammocks in each corner covered in blankets and pillows. Any belongings you have should be kept underneath your hammock to keep the small rooms tidy.

The general look and feel of the Mac Anu @Home stays true to the steampunk nature of the town, and most everything is old and a bit worn out. The colors are faded reds, oranges and browns, keeping the sunset theme of Mac Anu.

celestial city dol dona

The @Home in Dol Dona has the same layout as the one in Mac Anu, only the features are earthier, warmer, and brighter in color. There's plants all along the sides, tended to by the Grunty. Vines spiral along the railing as the stairs lead up from the far left and far right of the sitting room, leading to the round platform where the kitchen and dining area is located. Two doors at the back of the platform lead to communal bathrooms for both girls and boys, with a hallway leading off from the platform to the left and right, to the dorms.

Each dorm holds the same number of four, only instead of small cramped rooms with hammocks, they're a bit roomier with platform beds. A spiral staircase in each corner leads up to the plush round beds and a simple desk/chair to work at, with a small dresser and storage cubbies below to keep your belongings.

The general look and feel of the Dol Dona @Home is very earth-based, filled with plants and natural-cut wooden furniture. It's visibly used, but in pretty good shape and well-taken care of. The colors are grassy greens, sky blues, and light browns. There's windows in every room to let in the sunlight, with blackout curtains easily drawn for sleep.

list of guilds

GUILD: Canard
GUILDMASTER: smilesforfree
LEVEL/LOCATION: lvl.01 | Mac Anu
PURPOSE: A helpful guild for new Players to have a home. Anyone is welcome, and it isn't necessary to help other new Players out.

GUILD: name
LEVEL/LOCATION: lvl.00 | town
PURPOSE: purpose

GUILD: name
LEVEL/LOCATION: lvl.00 | town
PURPOSE: purpose

GUILD: name
LEVEL/LOCATION: lvl.00 | town
PURPOSE: purpose

guild creation rules and guild guidelines

✖ You must be at least LEVEL TEN(10) to create a guild!
✖ The GMs are pretty lenient, so do not lie about your intentions! A guild for PKers would be just as acceptable as a guild for gardening.
✖ Guilds upgrade to the next town at the following set of requirements, NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • Lumina Cloth (lvl.00) | arena emperors and past arena emperors only
  • Mac Anu (lvl.01) | all beginner guilds
  • Dol Dona (lvl.02) | 20 members (OR) half of the members at lvl.20
  • ??? (lvl.03) | 40 members (OR) half of the members at lvl.40

Upon applying for a guild and being approved, you as a player in holyrelic will be responsible for keeping track of guild information. We've made a post template to keep in the guildmaster's journal that you're to link to for others, and you're free to add on whatever information or reformat it however you like, so long as it keeps the basics already contained! You're welcome to any customizations, such as creating your own guild grunty, having a guild treasury for weapons, armor, accessories, and items to fit other guild members with, rooming lists, and so on. Examples can be viewed at other guild pages! The current guild page has the following information, with the table format in the text area for you to use below.

  • Guild name
  • Guild leader
  • Guild level and town location
  • Member list" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" align="center">

GUILD PURPOSE: Purpose for the guild.
TREASURY: Open for money/item donations? Y/N, if Y, a rough list to keep track is optional.

guild creation

To apply for guild creation, just fill out the form below and comment to the entry with the guild name in the subject. If accepted, start sending out invites and recruit members! Please add a link to the guild you join to your stats post if you're recruited/leader of a guild.

In-game guild creation is achieved by submitting a request with the basics to either of the NPCs by the @Home entrance, and a moderator will contact you with a brief short mail for approval or rejection within a few hours and is entirely handwaved OOCly.

GUILD NAME | (The desired name of your guild)
LEADER JOURNAL & LEVEL | (The character creating the guild's journal, name, and level)
WHY WOULD YOUR CHARACTER WANT TO CREATE A GUILD AND WHAT FOR? | ( A brief description of why they would create a guild and for what purpose-- the real deciding factor. If it's OOC of them to take a leadership responsibility like this when they're generally shy and nervous around others, for example, then the application will be rejected. If they're a leader of a canon group/gang/mafia and so on and want to gather the group again, it'd make more sense. However, if a character like Hanatarou from Bleach were to create a group for healers to patrol areas and help, that's a very acceptable reason that suits their personality even if they aren't leadership material. We're pretty lenient!)


If you have any questions about your @Home or just guilds in general, feel free to comment and ask!

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!game information, guilds

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