Question time!

May 15, 2011 18:16

If you could bring any fictional character into the real world, who would it be and why? 
(Also, tag some bitches.)

Go :D

Also, I am aware we've had no discussion post in the last two weeks :O Believe me, I have topics lined up that I know y'all will respond too, I just haven't been able to justify hosting a discussion. Procrastination is all well ( Read more... )

exams suck, real life, coursework can go to hell, procrastination, meme, revision makes lili cry

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Comments 4

ext_303080 May 15 2011, 23:06:09 UTC
Britta Perry (Community) and Tru Davies (Tru Calling). They are my favorite female TV characters ever and I can picture myself totally being friends with both of them. Plus, Britta would fit into the university I go to very well. She'd probably wanna participate in all of the protests that are constantly going on on my campus! LOL. So yeah. Those two. Cuz I adore them so much. Both awesome heroines!


dance_the_dance May 16 2011, 00:20:12 UTC
Locke from Lost. And, IDK, Buffy? Or Cordy? Some badass fighter girl. :D


jeyla4ever May 16 2011, 02:02:58 UTC
joe flanigan...he's hot and amazing, loyal and did I mention hot!!! I'd go back to the Pegasus with him and fight those Wraith beside him just to be with him!!! LOL


jeyla4ever May 16 2011, 02:03:31 UTC
how stupid am I? Joe Flanigan is the real actor, I meant, John Sheppard! ;)


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