I am living in a state of suspended terror.

May 11, 2011 17:04

So let's do a meme!!

Name a fandom, and I will tell you...
a) my three favorite romantic relationships
b) my three favorite non-romantic relationships
c) one character combination (either shippy or non-shippy) I wish got more attention in canon.

Available fandoms: Doctor Who, Chuck, Community, South Park, anything Whedon, Farscape and a bunch of other ( Read more... )

lili should be studying, exams suck, flisters rule, procrastination, meme, shipper heaven

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Comments 27

evangelin1202 May 11 2011, 16:42:58 UTC


delta_mai May 11 2011, 16:48:52 UTC
a) Annie/Abed, Jeff/Britta, Britta/Annie (Jeff/Dean should be in there too :P)

b) Annie/Pierce, Troy/Abed, Abed/Jeff

c) Abed/Britta -I seriously adored their friendship at the beginning of S1 but it's faded into the background now.



redsilverchains May 11 2011, 16:53:54 UTC


delta_mai May 12 2011, 12:24:44 UTC

a) Willow/Oz, Giles/Jenny, Buffy/Faith

b) Giles/Buffy, Buffy/Dawn, Dawn/Spike

c) Dawn/Spike (their friendship NEEDED more screentime in seasons 6 and 7)



agnes_bean May 11 2011, 17:17:05 UTC
Doctor Who! (Also, totally stealing this memento later)


agnes_bean May 11 2011, 17:20:50 UTC
And by that, I meant meme. (Fucking autocorrect, how does it work?)


delta_mai May 12 2011, 12:25:10 UTC
(see icon)


delta_mai May 12 2011, 12:27:15 UTC

a) Eleven/River, Amy/Rory, Ten/Rose

b) Ten/Donna, Nine/Rose, Rory/River (LOVE their banter)

c) Urrrmmm... I don't think there is one. All the relationships get a nice time onscreen :D


mfirefly10 May 11 2011, 18:58:15 UTC
FARSCAPE! (how far have you gotten, btw?)

I shall be snerching this meme for later.


delta_mai May 12 2011, 12:29:55 UTC
I'm actually saving Farscape for the summer because I was watching it on youtube and all the vids have been taken down. But my friend has the dvds so summer watch it is! (He's back home, not at uni)

a) John/Aeryn, Chiana/D'Argo, Chiana/Aeryn/John :D:D:D:D:D

b) Chiana/John, Xaan/Chiana, Pilot/Aeryn

c) Chiana/Aeryn (friendship-wise, I'd love to see more of their relationship)


mfirefly10 May 12 2011, 17:14:21 UTC
YES to Chiana/Aeryn/John!!!

We do get a bit more Aeryn/Chiana friendship throughout the series but never enough, imho.


nebari_rebel May 13 2011, 06:25:26 UTC
I hope you don't mind me commenting - I've come across your journal a couple times while searching for Farscape (you can never have too much Farscape =D and have enjoyed your thoughts and am very much looking forward to more.

I love your responses here =D


bluemage55 May 11 2011, 22:25:47 UTC


delta_mai May 12 2011, 12:31:32 UTC
ooooh SG-1 or Atlantis?! I'mma do both.

a) Vala/Daniel, Jack/Sam, John/Elizabeth

b) John/Rodney, Daniel/Jack, Sam/Vala (but all of these I'm prepared to ship romantically to :D)



bluemage55 May 12 2011, 23:13:28 UTC
Your willingness to turn friendships into slash is amusing. :D

And seriously, more John/Elizabeth! It was so disappointing to have her leave the show, even if that meant we could have Sam on board. =(


delta_mai May 13 2011, 15:07:12 UTC
Lol, even in real life! I think I'm creeping out my friends...

YES THIS. I will always hate them for making her leave the show. I love Sam, but Amanda wasn't set on being in Atlantis and she'd already had 10 YEARS in the spotlight. Plus she only stayed for a year anyway. The whole thing was a mess and I hate them for it.


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