Just in case any of you actually read Great Expectations...

May 01, 2011 16:19

...Though I'm pretty sure no-one on my flist did, here are my final thoughts, plus Damien/Pip shippy goodness :D

I saw no shadow of a future parting from her. )

book!otp: pip/pocket, book!otp: pip/estella, otp: pip/damien, south park, book: great expectations, essays suck, books, dickens rules

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Comments 8

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delta_mai May 1 2011, 18:33:39 UTC
Really? I loled so hard at most of it. Doesn't really help that the South Park episode took the piss so well. But I really love Dickens' dry wit :D


lovemoony4ever May 1 2011, 19:09:03 UTC
I read it a few years ago, right after catching an old film adaption on the telly. I enjoyed it, but I'm sort of on the fence about Dickens in general. I love David Copperfield and a Tale of Two Cities (more for the story than the writing itself, admittedly), but I don't particularly like Oliver Twist. Great Expectations landed on a right end of this scale, but I'm not about to enter the fandom:)


delta_mai May 2 2011, 20:41:03 UTC
I got halfway through Oliver Twist when I stopped. I like it very much, especially the way it's written, but I knew the story too well to continue. Someday I'll read it all the way through. So GE is the only one I've properly read.

Thanks for the recs! I can't read Copperfield though - my friends were in a play version of it and there's no way I could read it without laughing all the time at our in jokes. I had a hard enough time reading GE seriously, thanks to South Park!

But I'll totally check Two Cities out. Bleak House is next on the list, cos I really liked the BBC adaptation a few years ago.

There's a fandom?!


lovemoony4ever May 2 2011, 23:04:20 UTC
I dunno, probably a general Dickens fandom at least;)

Fair warning re: A Tale of Two Cities: You'll either love it, or think it's the most boring novel ever written. If not for the French Revolution aspect I don't think I would have gotten through it on my first try. It's kinda the same deal as with Tolkien's Silmarillion - love or hate (for me, even though I'm a die-hard Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit fan, it's hate, so that might give you some perspective)


dance_the_dance May 2 2011, 16:22:47 UTC
I am actually reading Great Expectations now! (I am reading literally about 8 books at once, but still. :P) Which means that I'm not reading your post (even if I voluntarily read spoilers for tv shows all the time, I don't usually read spoilers for books, IDK why :P), just wanted to share the fact. :D


delta_mai May 2 2011, 16:47:02 UTC
Omg yay! We can chat about it!! How far in are you?


dance_the_dance May 2 2011, 16:53:20 UTC
Like 20 pages, heh, which is a result of reading 8 books at once. :P I kinda want to stop being distracted by other books for a while and finish it though, because I miss reading Dickens.


delta_mai May 2 2011, 16:55:30 UTC
Yeah that's what I did. It made great holiday/work reading :D (as in, I read it at work! lol)

Can't wait for you to read more - it's such an amazing book! I'll be attacking Bleak House after exams... Dunno how that's gonna pan out! I'm mostly reading it because I enjoyed the BBC adaptation and I'm intrigued as to how well he writes from a female POV.


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