Lili has thinky thoughts.

Mar 25, 2011 22:18

So I got home all happy and eloquent and was all prepared to do a really interesting post when.,..  Internet failed.  The internet at my hall is seriously shit, guys.  Atm I'm in the library which is really embarrassing when Ruth makes me squee.


What I was originally going to post about was racism and The Song of the South.  I'm still ( Read more... )

racial issues, fight club is the best film in the world, at the movies, racial equality ftw, fight club

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Comments 14

findmeneverland March 26 2011, 00:57:53 UTC
I hate talking about racism cuz I've been in different groups my entire life that have talked it to death and I'm just sick of everything to do with it--actual discrimination as well as trying to find ways to solve it. Not that I think racism isn't still alive and well in society, because of course it is, but I'm just gonna go ahead and let others deal with that particular facet of culture because I am DONE.

Anyway, I never saw Song of the South as a kid...I think because it's not even available commercially here anymore. Like I'm sure you can get ahold of a copy, but they never had it at the local video rental stores or likely out in Target or whatever. I think that's stupid and censorshippy, although they did it just to avoid the "controversy". I can't make judgments about the film because I haven't seen it, but I think that as long as the child/person watching it hasn't been raised with racist values, they might not even notice the whole subservient aspect of it, or if they do, write it off the way you did. I dunno. If you didn't ( ... )


delta_mai March 26 2011, 01:27:19 UTC
Now, see I come from Surrey. Which is pretty damn white. And now I'm in Yorkshire, which is apparently even whiter. So I really don't know squat about race issues.


There are PLENTY of old films that are WORSE THAN THIS TO WOMEN and are still not only widely available but also praised! Why is it that racism always wins over sexism? Why is it more important, and why are people more ansty about it?!

Like I said, it's a beautiful film. It should be accepted as a product of its time and be accompanied with careful explanation.


I need to see Men in Tights! I love Mel Brooks :D


findmeneverland March 26 2011, 01:39:56 UTC
California is soooo bloody multicultural that I never stopped hearing about it in school, at church, etc etc etc. Especially SoCal, where the Hispanic populations outnumbers all others =P I went to a nearly completely white South-Park-like little town in Colorado to visit relatives when I was younger and apparently said to my mom, "where are the other people hiding, mommy??" lol.

Yeah, it's lame as hell. I think racism wins over sexism because sexism is so much more entrenched in history. Wars have been fought because of racism whereas sexism was accepted and the norm for centuries. Thinking of it that way, we've come a long way in the last 40 years =PP

Dude, you NEED TO WATCH MIT right now. It's HILARIOUS. And Cary Elwes is amazing.


noybusiness March 26 2011, 14:12:47 UTC
My lj friend scifiaddict86 got into an argument with my lj friend karate0kat on much the same topic. Karate0kat (a white woman) was comparing the history of female subordination to racial slavery and Scifiaddict86 (a woman of color) got highly offended and said Karate0kat would only say something like that because she doesn't know what she's talking about. I pointed out that institutionalized violence has occurred in various cultures to control women's sexuality, but Scifiaddict89 pointed out (accurately) that nothing on the scale of the transatlantic slave trade or the Holocaust and various other ethnic cleansings have ever been aimed at women.


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