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Comments 5

coffeebits February 10 2011, 13:06:39 UTC


delsilencio February 12 2011, 00:53:47 UTC
I tell you.. there's something seriously wrong with humankind, I wouldn't be surprised if an Higher Entity/ET (even Alf!) looks down on us and annihilate us for once.


magsyb March 12 2011, 19:58:10 UTC
Justin Bieber shouldn't be anywhere but in a school getting an education not being anyone's role model or anyone's version of "sexy"... bleck..


delsilencio March 13 2011, 01:45:10 UTC
O.O OMG!! I come home, and when I check my mail the only thing I can see it's magsyb - Lj comment Reply to your entry.. WHERE WERE YOU???!!! How have you been???


magsyb March 13 2011, 02:14:58 UTC
RL was just well RL like.. plus my computer crashed like a gazillion times it was not fun.. but I am back now. :D


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