[Drabble] Keep Me Warm

Jul 30, 2013 10:14

Title: Keep Me Warm
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Noiz/Clear
Word Count: 200
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: "Do you want to keep me warm?"
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Author's Notes: The point of the challenge was to write a short story or scene using words with one syllable. I still feel like this whole thing wasn't going anywhere. Shoot me.
Prompt: writerverse : Challenge #27 - Keep It Short


“Your eyes,” Noiz touched Clear's cheek, his lips a hard line.

Clear gave him a small smile, “Does that mean you like them?”

“Yeah,” Noiz gave a snort, his breath warm on his skin, “It means I like them.”

He leaned in to press a kiss to his throat, hands gripped tight in Clear's short white blonde hair. The doll closed his eyes, the feel of Noiz so close to him, he could feel the air leave his lungs, along with all the fight in his body.

“Are you cold?” Noiz asked, his stare caused Clear to shake his head.

“I'm not that cold,” Clear smiled at the man, as he asked, “Do you want to keep me warm?”

Noiz breathed, head bowed, “Yes, but keep your eyes on me... the whole time. Can you do that?”

“I can do that,” he said, just as Noiz leaned in to kiss him more. The soft feel of Noiz's lips on his own was just what he was in the need for. “Keep me warm,” he said, his voice soft, eyes on him.

“You got it,” Noiz said, the grip he held on Clear's hair tugged him back to his open lips.

@ comm: writerverse, length: 101 - 250, character: dmmd: noiz, pairing: dmmd: noiz/clear, style: slash, type: drabble, style: pre-slash, rating: pg, warning: none, character: dmmd: clear, fandom: dramatical murder, media: fanfiction, genre: general, warning: fluff

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