Title: Dinner Is Ready
kryss_delrheiFandom: DRAMAtical Murder
Type: Video Game / Visual Novel
Characters/Pairing: Mink/Aoba
Word Count: 376
Genre: General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Aoba and Mink share a quiet dinner together.
Disclaimer: I do not own DRAMAtical Murder nor the characters, just borrowing them from Nitro+CHiRAL for a little while.
Author's Notes: De-anoning this from the kink meme.
dmmd_kink_meme :
Mink/Aoba - a smile --
“Dinner is ready,” Aoba said, setting the table quickly, just like his Granny had taught him. He wiped his hands on the fabric of his apron, glancing upward to wear Mink sat on the couch, caught up in reading, the glow of the fire in the fireplace, throwing warm shadows across Mink's features.
Aoba's lips upturned with a smile before he crossed the space toward where Mink was, his hand tentatively resting on the male's shoulder, “Did you hear me?” he mumbled, almost quietly, not really wanting to bother Mink, yet wanting his attention all the same.
With a sharp inhale, Mink closed his book, and pulled his glasses off, setting the objects aside on the couch next to him. He glanced upward, catching Aoba's intent gaze before giving a curt nod, “I heard you,” he said, pushing off the couch and standing to his full height.
“Oh,” Aoba's hand fell limply to his side, watching as Mink stood, “Well, have a seat at the table. I'll bring your dinner out.”
He headed back into the kitchen, busing around the several pots that he had spent the last several hours preparing and cooking their evening meal. It was a strange feeling and yet as Mink pulled his chair out from the table and sat down, eyes watching Aoba hurry about, it was something that he felt was entirely perfect.
“Here you are!” Aoba said, the cheerful tone filling the quiet of the house, as he placed the full plates in their spots.
Mink stared at the bountiful meal, before glancing toward Aoba, as the blue haired male settled in his own chair. A smile ghosted his lips, just as Aoba glanced upward under Mink's hard stare. Aoba's cheeks flushed, Mink turning back to his food.
Aoba swallowed past the thick lump that had caught his throat, before hesitantly speaking, his voice albeit shaky, “I noticed you really liked the roast that I made a few days ago. We had some of the meat left over, I hope you don't mind.”
“Not at all,” Mink said, turning his golden eyes away, focusing on his dinner.
“That is good to hear,” Aoba followed suit, yet the flush tinting his cheeks never drifted away as they ate in silence.
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AO3 Originally Posted to:
dmmd_kink_meme on July 18, 2013.