if my heart was a house, you'd be home (deleted scenes)

Apr 26, 2014 02:00

deleted scenes (featuring everyone at the party who were clearly in on the plan ok)


“Baekhyun sucks at acting.” Chanyeol complained, and Baekhyun elbowed him in the arm. “The only reason we didn’t get caught was because Jongdae was all busy getting googly-eyed at Liyin nuna.”

“Which is why it doesn’t even matter.” Baekhyun retorted. “Swap anyone else in for me and he wouldn’t even have noticed.”

Minseok nodded, while Segyun laughed. Jongdae had had a crush on Liyin forever, from the very moment she had popped into choral group practice for a visit and Jongdae had laid eyes on her. It was so high school romance drama-sque, but also very real. Jongdae thought everyone had no idea, but in fact he was the one who didn’t know that everyone else knew. Zhou Mi had given his tacit approval for this to happen, in fact. That was why everyone loved him too.

“All we can pray for now is for Jongdae to work his charms.” Lu Han raised his eyebrows suggestively.

“Yeah we really need to pray for that one to happen.” Minseok remarked, and everyone toasted to that.


“Do you think Jongdae will kill me for kissing Liyin-jie?” Kris thought aloud. Lu Han, Minseok, and Segyun rolled their eyes in unision. “Hey, legit question here okay.”

Amber had joined them around the food table, where she was now munching down on pigs-in-a-blanket. “Legit, but also very stupid. Of course he’ll kill you. Still.”

“It was a game, all right.” Kris protested and Amber stuffed one of the rolls into his mouth. “The bottle picked me, I didn’t pick it!”

“Yeah whatever,” Segyun picked one of the rolls off Amber’s plate, “Jongdae’s still going to make minced meat of you. Try not to remind him too often that you kissed her though, no matter how good it was.”

“But was it?” Baekhyun asked quizzically. “Because we’re all just guessing here at this point. Mine was great though. Okay don’t tell Taecyeon hyung I said that.”

Kris looked at him like he was an idiot.


“So Sehun Katalked me the other day, asking for help on calculus.” Segyun was scrolling through his phone. “Did something happen between him and Sohee?”

“He’s your brother, you know.” Minseok narrowed his eyes. “Why does him asking you for help on homework automatically translate to Sehun pissing my sister off?”

“Because who would ask Segyun for advice when there’s Sohee around?” Lu Han made a very valid point, and Segyun patted him on the back for that one. “Besides Sohee is a way better teacher than Segyun is, anyway.”

“Not cool, Lu Lu.” Segyun glared at him and stuffed his phone back into his back pocket. “Remember who helped you out with American History AP okay.”

“Sehun does have to stop pissing off Sohee a whole deal, though.” Minseok picked up one of the decorative cranberry tartlets that Amber left behind before going off to talk to Jia and Henry. “My sister needs to also stop having such a great temper.”

“They’re best friends. This is what best friends do for each other.” Lu Han pointed out again. “Besides they’re only about ten years away from marriage, or something.”

“Lu-ge, you have got to stop saying that.” Minseok was glaring at Lu Han more frequently than ever tonight. “They are sixteen, what the hell?”

“That’s why I said ten years you ass, stop overreacting.” Lu Han shook his cup at them, and Segyun laughed. “Observe them for a bit and you’ll come to the same conclusion, okay.”

“You seriously need to have a sister and then you’ll see what I mean.” Minseok grumbled.

“Brothers don’t require so much worrying over,” Segyun advised, “which is why you and I shall only have sons next time. For real.”

Lu Han clinked plastic cups with Segyun as Minseok scowled at them.


“Taecyeon, please.” Yubin rolled her eyes at him. “Seriously, it wasn’t even anything.”

Taecyeon was still complaining about the non-kiss kiss that Yubin had shared with Baekhyun, and the only thing holding him back from having a heartfelt one-on-one talk with Baekhyun was the threat of Yubin not letting him into their apartment if he dared to do that. Yeeun and Sunye were having a ball of a time laughing at him because of this.

“I wish the kids were with us here, sometimes,” Sunye sighed, “but uh, definitely not when the guys are going crazy with the kissing games.”

Sunye, Yeeun, and Yubin were close to the younger juniors that were still in high school back home. Being part of a play group together while growing up helped facilitate that. Hyerim and Sohee regularly wrote emails, and each of them took turns to reply them with photos and random, funny videos.

“Would help to take Sohee away from Sehun for a bit, wouldn’t it?” Yubin said, forking a piece off Yeeun’s slice of cake.

“It’s a bit too late for that, seeing how they’ve been sticking together for about eight years now?” Yeeun pointed out as Junho rejoined them from where he had been with Heechul and Zhou Mi, looking relatively scarred from the experience.

“Sohee needs to meet new guys, man.” Taecyeon offered. “Sehun’s great, but Sohee’s horizons need to be expanded.”

“There’s no need for that as long as she’s happy.” Sunye said. “Her friendship with Sehun has got to be the cutest one I’ve seen around, anyway.”

“That’s what you think, oh my dear Sunye.” Taecyeon winked and Sunye shuddered before rolling her eyes. “But once she meets a finer specimen, she’ll change her mind.”

“Specimen? What on earth, Taec.” Junho was drinking from Yeeun’s cup now. “You have got to stop talking in your creepy biological terms all the time.”

“When you’re talking about a science you’ve got to be specific.” Taecyeon slung an arm around Yubin’s shoulders. “Besides, wouldn’t it do all of the younger girls good to meet people from outside of their circle? Sticking around Sehun and Jongin and Zitao all day isn’t going to do them any good, y’know?”

“They’re good boys,” Sunye said objectively from over the top of her red cup, “and we don’t know how things will turn out until they really happen.”

“That’s because you’ve never seen them in soccer boot camp.” Junho laughed. “Though if Sohee and Sehun don’t end up married, I’m going to be very, very surprised.”

Taecyeon was now leaning entirely on Yubin’s back. “Pretty much. That’s about as confirmed as you can get about the kids. Though I have a feeling that Hyerim might date someone from outside that group. Also isn’t Sunmi close to that Jackson kid? He’s kind of weird but then again, Sunmi’s not exactly normal.”

“Do you guys speculate all day about the love lives of your juniors?” Yeeun said in disbelief. “You need a life, guys. Seriously.”


“I think someone needs to get in there and put a camera up in their faces.” Kyuhyun suggested very seriously. “We have no idea what’s going on. What’s the fun in that?”

Younha looked at him like he was crazy. They had been dating for a few years now, but she still never understood why he was so weird sometimes. “I cannot believe that by putting them in a closet, you’re still dissatisfied.”

“Well,” Kyuhyun took her by the shoulder so that he was side-hugging her the way he liked it, “anything that will have more than twenty likes on Facebook is fun all right.”

“You are so lame.” Sungmin had popped up beside them now, still scowling with a cup of punch in hand. Sunny appeared later shortly with a plate of mini cakes that had half-melted snowmen on them. Jia had made them, apparently. They did taste good. “Grow up, man.”

“You and I both, Sungmin, you and I both.” Kyuhyun replied and took a cake.

“This has to be a gathering of the most immature people ever.” Sunny said and Younha laughed. “I almost forgot that until Kris appeared. That stunt he pulled in our senior year for his Chemistry AP project? Classic.”

“Kris is a prominent example of a really tall guy with a really small brain.” Kyuhyun remarked and got a slap on the arm from Younha. “Seriously, he might be either really intelligent or really dumb. No in between territory, man.”

“But that kiss between him and Jia?” Sungmin mused thoughtfully. “That was good.”

Sunny gave him the side eye for that. “Even though that sounded weird, I have to agree.”

“Do you think they’ll end up dating?” Younha handed Kyuhyun a paper towel for the crumbs on his hands. “Didn’t Kris break up with his girlfriend recently too, though?”

“Yeah that Vietnamese girl from his college right?” Sungmin was apparently very up to date on the latest gossip. “She was all over his Instagram feed, but then he went and deleted everything last week.”

“Kris.” Sunny sighed. “Always making the wrong calls when it’s time to do so.”

“If they do date though, five bucks that they’ll break up after two months.” Kyuhyun said with too much conviction. “Give or take.”

“I say a single month will do the trick. Hey, have we ever bet on Sehun and Sohee before?” Sungmin said, like he’d suddenly recalled. “Because the odds are so much unpredictable on that pair. Since you know, Sehun is kind of dense and all.”

“Ten bucks they won’t get together.” Kyuhyun nodded.

“Twenty they will. “ Younha shrugged and bet on the other possibility.

“Following Younha unnie on this one.” Sunny said and put her plate down. “Because Sohee’s EQ makes up for Sehun’s lack of.”

“Okay I need to get everyone in on this,” Sungmin said, devious smile mode now turned on, “who cares if this hand will take ten years to play out or whatever.”


“So like, I’m planning on finally getting it done. Anyway.” Jia said to Heechul. She had thought over the new design of her tattoo a lot, and finally decided on a heartbeat line on the inner side of her right middle finger. Heechul approved mostly because it was on her middle finger.

“If you put it off one more time, I might just have to drag you down to the palour myself.” Heechul tugged at the hem of his shirt and threatened. He was from out-of-state, like they all were, except that Heechul was Korean-American and Jia was Chinese. Just Chinese. They got together well because they were both in the same quirky (and sometimes pretentious, Jia knew that) stuff, and because Zhou Mi was their friend.

“Yeah yeah, sure.” Jia finished her drink. “Make sure you live up to whatever you say.”

Heechul was about to reply to that when Zhou Mi called for him. They were about two minutes away from the grand opening of the closet door, and Heechul sure didn’t want to miss out on that. So Jia stood by the bookshelf and picked at the textbooks that Zhou Mi had lined up in alphabetical order. He was a business major, and a very good student. Jia though, was more artsy.


Jia turned around to find Kris hulking around behind her. They weren’t new to each other, not exactly. She’d seen a lot of him around in high school, mainly because he was really tall, Zhou Mi’s junior, and captain of the school basketball team.

“Yo.” She mimicked his manner and he looked like he wanted to scowl but didn’t dare to. Jia had that effect on people. The only ones unaffected were her housemates and for some reason, Henry. “What. Is. Up.”

“Stop doing that.” Kris said, only daring to frown a little. “I don’t talk like that.”

“Says. You.” Jia was having way too much fun to stop. “Okay fine. What’s up, really.”

“Nothing. I just wanted to say hi?” Kris looked like he was on the verge of rolling his eyes. Jia enjoyed teasing him way too much. In high school they never had any classes together so that was that. But today Jia had kissed him and it was damned good, in her opinion anyway. So teasing him was okay, at least for now.

“Hi.” Jia waved. “What comes next?”

Kris was at a complete loss for words. Jia laughed, and took him by the crook of the arm to where the rest of his friends were. Maybe they could teach him more about better pick up lines next time.


“Twenty bucks they haven’t even touched each other by the sleeves yet.” Sungmin was pessimistic enough.

“Twenty they’re making out right now.” Segyun opted to take risks. Minseok followed in his lead, as did Lu Han and Baekhyun. Chanyeol decided to go with Sungmin, except on a way smaller scale. Kris and Jia both bet on the making out section, with Kris debating rather logically that in a confined space it was hard not for the pheromones to work.

“Yeah like he’d know.” Minseok whispered under his breath and Segyun laughed way too loudly. Lu Han raised an eyebrow in agreement.

Zhou Mi was looking down at his watch, waiting as the second hand ticked. Heechul was watching over his shoulder, barely able to contain his excitement. Everyone else had their cell phones out, and Segyun had attached his fancy lens to it, even. Yeeun saw it and pointed it out to Junho incredulously. Sometimes it was hard to understand why they were excited over things like this.

“You know, what would you do if you ever caught Sohee and Sehun in a situation like this?” Lu Han had one of his random thoughtful outbursts at the thirty second countdown mark. Minseok looked up and glared at him. Segyun turned from his phone, slightly amused.

“You mean, if they were forced into the closet like this?” Segyun asked.

“Never going to happen.” Minseok was adamant.

“Uh, you do know they’re the kids’ seniors too, right?” Lu Han reminded them.


“Logically though, who would you kill first?”

“He’d kill Sehun, but then I’d have to kill Minseok for poetic justice, then.” Segyun piped up.

“Nobody is going to get hurt if no one pushes my sister and her best friend into a cleaning closet.” Minseok emphasised the “best friend” pointedly, and Segyun rolled his eyes.

“Very true.” Lu Han agreed. “But still. Twenty bucks that they’d be making out by the three minute mark.”

“Y’know what? I’d skewer you first, Lu Han.”

“Damn straight, Lu Lu.”

Minseok hi-fived Segyun just as Zhou Mi yelled “time’s up!” and everyone rushed to burst the door open.

(Segyun won the bet easily.)

♡: sunny/sungmin, ♡: younha/kyuhyun, ♡: liyin/jongdae, #oneshot

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