A little bit of your taste (in my mouth), Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, NC-17

Dec 21, 2011 06:45

Sooooooooooo, sirona_gs and I made it! With the careful love and attention of laria_gwyn and a ton of love and attention from you guys, here it is!

Title: A little bit of your taste (in my mouth)
Authors: sirona_gs & delicatale
Pairing: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis/Bucky Barnes (implied), Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers (one-sided)
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~21,000
Warnings: AU (including Clint's background), pining, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, elements of h/c, otherwise nothing that isn't implied by the rating.
Summary: Coffee Shop AU. In which Clint owns the coffee shop that makes the best damn coffee Phil has ever tasted, and things only go downhill from there.
Notes: Endless thanks to laria_gwyn, who has been an absolute trooper and helped an enormous amount to polish this. ♥ Thanks also must go to all other Coffee Shop AUs out there, which I'm sure we've borrowed from without even realising. :) And to everyone who was so fantastically enthusiastic about this story, and made apt suggestions that we have shamelessly taken advantage of! <3

On LJ / On AO3

really now avengers?, fic, it's all neve's fault, phil/clint, excited ellie is excited

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