Alice In Wonderland

Mar 06, 2010 12:07

Or, more accurately, Tim Burton's riff on Alice in Wonderland.  Because if you try to watch, think about, or review this movie as if it were an adaptation of Lewis Carroll's book, 1) you will probably hate it; 2) your head will explode.  And that would be a pity on both counts.  Because, judged strictly on its merits as a fantasy movie inspired by ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

themaskmaker March 6 2010, 17:16:31 UTC
Thank you for this review. Your observations let me know what I'm getting into when I go see this.


ellen_datlow March 6 2010, 17:20:00 UTC
You're the very first person I've heard who liked it --and what you say makes me want to see it! I will put all preconceptions of Alice aside when I go see it.


movingfinger March 6 2010, 17:20:07 UTC
The Wall Street Journal described the White Queen as (I paraphrase but as accurately as possible) abstracted, as though wandering around a salon aimlessly waiting for her nails to dry. And I thought, But that's perfect.


deliasherman March 6 2010, 17:41:38 UTC
Well, yes and no. Of all the cast, my sense was that Ann Hathaway got Burton's aesthetic the least. She was always Ann Hathaway dressed up and looking faintly embarrassed, as opposed to HBC and Depp and Crispin Glover, who threw themselves into their roles with abandon and sincerity. You gotta believe, or the magic doesn't work.


lareinenoire March 6 2010, 17:20:54 UTC
Well, having read several reviews, including this one, I've decided I will probably enjoy this and that I don't need to shell out extra for the 3D version. Thank you!

(Also, did Ellen tell you about seeing Thomas Jefferson's library at the LoC? It was magical.)


deliasherman March 6 2010, 17:42:56 UTC
Good call.

Yes, she did. At length--making me even sorrier than I already was that I hadn't come with. I got a lot of work done, though, and that was the important thing. Clearly, we'll have to go back to DC--and see you!


lareinenoire March 6 2010, 18:09:29 UTC
Yes, you should visit! I had promised to show her the Folger but we got there right as they were closing, so we'll need to plan for sometime in the middle of the day next time. And I do know the Curator of Books...;)


carbonel March 6 2010, 17:59:21 UTC
So you're saying that Tim Burton's take on Alice in Wonderland is essentially fan fiction?


deliasherman March 6 2010, 18:23:36 UTC
Well, I suppose that's one way of looking at it.


keestone March 6 2010, 23:47:23 UTC
Nah. Fan fiction tends to have enough respect for the source material to at the very least choose a different title while playing with the universe and characters.


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