May I Have an Extension, Please

Aug 12, 2007 11:20

I've caught the creeping crud--sore throat, tight chest, cough, head full of cotton, hay, and rags. I'll write the Mythcon Report when I've got two brain cells working. In the meantime, back to bed and Soon I Will Be Invincible, Austin Grossman's utterly delightful super-hero novel. I might re-read Emma Bull's Territory, too. I read it on the ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

stephanieburgis August 12 2007, 15:43:51 UTC
Good luck feeling better soon!

I am looking forward impatiently to finally getting my copy of Territory delivered from sometime in the next 2 weeks...can't wait to read it!


deliasherman August 12 2007, 23:51:43 UTC
Very worth the wait, believe me. Now, I have to go get a copy of Will's novel.


ellen_denham August 12 2007, 18:36:31 UTC
Aww, I hope you feel better soon! It was great to chat with you and Ellen at Mythcon and I loved your reading.


deliasherman August 12 2007, 23:53:44 UTC
It was great meeting you, too. Mythcon was a really lovely experience, from "The Lord of the Ringos" to the really cool panels to meeting and talking with you all.


lisa_marli August 12 2007, 22:33:57 UTC
Hope you feel better soonest. Reading is good. Napping is good.
It was great seeing the two of you at Mythcon. Reports can happen when you have time.


The Eternal Mother-- lynn_maudlin August 13 2007, 00:33:07 UTC
says eat a lot of garlic. My working theory is that it's so potent nothing else wants to live in the body with it (!!), but the truth is I just love it and it definitely strengthens the immune system. Heads of garlic are cheap: take a clove and chop in into small pieces and just pop 'em by the handful. Yum! High quality Chinese goldenseal is good, too, but it's nasty - you have to take it in capsule form because you just can't drink the tea it makes up - but it's good for fighting infections (natural antibiotic, as it were).

And if the head gets truly nasty and full you can snort salt water-- VERY weak salt water (!! - I gave myself a salt-headache once; yikes, that hurt). Stand over a sink and let it drain out - bleah, but effective.

So - be well and thrive and have a grand time on Wednesday.


Re: The Eternal Mother-- deliasherman August 13 2007, 14:22:38 UTC
Thank you, Lynn. Good advice indeed. We could have a garlic fest: to cure me and keep Ellen from catching anything. It would also have the positive side-effect of keeping everyone away from us on the subway. ;)


Hoping you were able to go-- lynn_maudlin August 16 2007, 05:26:49 UTC
(and chanting quietly in the background: gar-lick! gar-lick! gar-lick!)


Re: Hoping you were able to go-- deliasherman August 16 2007, 15:20:42 UTC
In fact, I couldn't. Ellen went to represent the family and perform introductions as necessary. Apparantly, a good time was had by all. Me, I'm still down for the count, garlic notwithstanding.


Re: Hoping you were able to go-- lynn_maudlin August 16 2007, 21:56:31 UTC
well, phooey! Sometimes the immune system says, "uh uh, not gonna do it, won't kick in, tough" - no fun. Get well anyway & blessings.


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