The Weir, and Other Stories

Sep 15, 2013 19:56

Do you ever have thematic days?  Like, there's a piece on the radio in the morning about shrimp and then someone posts a shrimp recipe on Facebook and the lady in front of you at the fish shop (yes, we have a dedicated fish shop, Joon's, on the corner of 98th and Amsterdam) is buying shrimp?  In Chateau Riverside, we call this phenomenon a "plate o ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

Stories ext_2175017 September 16 2013, 00:39:04 UTC
Funny, when I was growing up, I always thought of Yom Kippur as an oddball holiday in the Jewish calendar because there was no story attached to it. Every other holiday had some epic story, usually involving a dramatic escape for the Jews from impending annihilation. But for Yom Kippur, arguably the most important holiday of all-nothing. It occurs to me now that maybe that's because it's the holiday when we're supposed to focus on our own personal stories-and perhaps try to rewrite them during the coming year.

Oh, and the Plate o' Shrimp thing? It's a scene in "Repo Man":


Re: Stories deliasherman September 16 2013, 13:46:49 UTC
Yes, that's it exactly!

And yes, I remembered Plate o'Shrimp, but not the origin--possibly because I've never actually seen "Repo Man." Thanks for the link.


sartorias September 16 2013, 02:49:23 UTC
That Yom Kippur celebration sounds perfect.

(And speaking of the end, I could do with some pages . . .)


deliasherman September 16 2013, 13:47:18 UTC
Soon, I promise. When you come.


sartorias September 16 2013, 13:51:15 UTC


Another play for you sararyan September 16 2013, 05:30:00 UTC
I always love your play reviews.

So, I keep hearing more and more about the genius of Mr. Burns. Since I am unlikely to make it to NYC during its run, I think the next best thing is for you to see it and write about it.


Re: Another play for you deliasherman September 16 2013, 13:50:31 UTC
Sounds wonderful. Not sure we've got time to see it before the Grand Tour, but if it's still playing in December, we'll be there!


kekhmet September 16 2013, 11:06:39 UTC
we call this phenomenon a "plate o' shrimp" experience, for reasons lost in the mists of time
Repo Man

or more specifically, Miller in Repo Man talks about this sort of thing, using "plate o' shrimp" as the example.


csecooney September 16 2013, 11:20:45 UTC
Made me want to see it again. Again, again, again.

Neil Gaiman said, somewhere in Fragile Things, "We owe it to each other to tell stories. It's the closest thing I have to a religion."

And I agree.


deliasherman September 16 2013, 13:52:05 UTC
Yes. Stories. They are the basis of all religions, aren't they?


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