The History of English

Jul 01, 2011 14:29

Because I'd like to read some actual comments which are not links to cool new escort services, I thought I'd post this video, which my Cousin Walter sent to me.  The reason you haven't been hearing much from me is that I've been up to here in getting settled into my first reasonably long-term (6 weeks) teaching gig since I quit teaching full-time ( Read more... )

video, teaching

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Comments 9

la_marquise_de_ July 1 2011, 18:42:11 UTC
I was just thinking about you: according to The Guardian, the Royal Shakespeare Company have just arrived in NY with their full portable theatre for a season there. I was picturing you and Ellen in the very front of the line for tickets.


deliasherman July 2 2011, 14:38:50 UTC
When we get back to New York, yeah. It (and being reunited with friends) are my consolation for spending August in NYC.


csecooney July 1 2011, 19:46:33 UTC
Someone sent me the Shakespeare one on Facebook last night!


deliasherman July 2 2011, 14:39:51 UTC
I love the whole glorious sweep of them. The English poke fun at themselves like nobody else.


briarspell July 2 2011, 03:17:46 UTC
Ah, that was great! Thanks for sharing!

I'm glad you guys are enjoying Virginia too :).


deliasherman July 2 2011, 14:40:51 UTC
You're welcome.

I'm hoping to see a little more of Virginia in the next few weeks. Although the Hollins campus is very lovely indeed. . .


elswhere1 July 3 2011, 04:27:34 UTC
That was so funny I couldn't even keep track of all the funny parts, they went by so fast. I liked the British Empire as Pac-Man!


wildwose July 3 2011, 15:53:05 UTC
Thanks, from me and Ellawyn. We just watched the whole series and talked about language and spelling and the OED and how Tolkien worked on it, and how language isn't as fluid as it once was, etc. In short, it was our Home School English course today! Although I did warn her that there may be a couple of grown up jokes, and luckily, I didn't have to explain clitoris to my seven year old. We just let it slip past.

We also discussed that she would be able to read the Changeling series at eight. She could read them now, but I think she will need a lot in the Autumn. (or Fall, depending on your preference!)


deliasherman July 6 2011, 14:58:10 UTC
Being up to my ears in teaching just now, I'm so glad this gave you and Ellawyn a fun Education Moment.

For the record, I say (and write) both Autumn and Fall, and can never remember which is supposed to be English and which American. For me, it's a matter of rhythm as much as anything else. Also, to me, grey and gray are slightly different colors. Grey is cooler than gray.


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