Back On My Head

Jan 28, 2011 19:43

OK, I'm out of excuses.  I'm well again, the house is as picked-up as it's going to get until just before Passover, and I have several hard deadlines giving me the stink-eye.  Over the next four weeks, I will:

1) Write copy and a bio and generally collect useful information so that Gavin Grant of Big Mouth House can successfully publish and promote ( Read more... )

writing business, writing life, to do

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Comments 4

girasole January 29 2011, 01:43:39 UTC
Sure you can do all of it, and well besides. Will be happy to talk about teachable books at any time.


kateelliott January 29 2011, 04:09:39 UTC

csecooney January 29 2011, 05:16:29 UTC
Oooooh!!! PRESSURE COOKER! Volcanoes and diamonds! You can do all these things on your list, and do them REMORSELESSLY well! Onward!


Hollins anonymous February 27 2011, 22:37:01 UTC
I'm a grad student at Hollins and after snooping around their website, I saw you are teaching the genre study/fantasy class this summer. I didn't recognize your name on the faculty list, so I snooped around on the internet... and here I am being stalkerish and posting on your blog.

You sound very interesting and accomplished, so I'm glad you'll be at Hollins this summer! I hope you have a great reading list picked out... no pressure or anything....


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